Marginal notes

Posts Tagged ‘Whine

Did I Miss Something?

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The other day that guy asked me if I would go hunt archmonsters with him…

I didn’t recognise his name, and he appeared to be a novice incapable of hunting archmonsters all by himself (his own words, but I believe he was strong enough to hunt piwis, boars, gobbals, and such). I asked him if he was suggesting that I will kill and soul archmonsters for him. And he said it was exactly his thought.

I have no idea what makes people think that I am a charity or have nothing to do and will be happy to do their work for them… Did I miss something?

Written by Phekla

September 10, 2010 at 9:30 PM

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A Fly in the Ointment

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Turquoise DT

Breeding can be frustrating. Breeding for capacities is frustrating. Breeding chameleons is frustration itself. You can wait months for the particular results and get nothing. And I mean it, nothing.

Chameleon capacity unlike others can be only inherited from parents, it doesn’t appear randomly. Therefore if one is unlucky enough to fail all 20 attempts of obtaining a chameleon baby, there is no other way but to get another chameleon mount. The latter can be tricky if we are talking about unpopular and high generation dragoturkeys.

I shouldn’t be complaining: chameleons breeding prospers. Nonetheless, I feel cheated and frustrated. Six months of works was required to obtain purebred turquoise chameleon. Six long months, even we got almost purebred turquoise chameleon and mated it only with other purebred mounts. Of course, now all of us are happy, but there is a quiet voice at the back of my head asking how much time will pass before we achieve our breeding goals, two, three, four years more?


Written by Phekla

September 3, 2010 at 1:57 PM

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Money, Money, Money…

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It seems money is the only thing cra cares about nowadays. She made 50’000’000 kamas in two weeks. Someone may say that’s a lot, but I would say she could do much better especially  knowing her dirty tricks like selling others set pieces or scrolls. And she did exactly it! She sold my new cape and hat.

To be absolutely honest cra wasn’t the first who came up with this idea, the authorship belongs to Drelas who was responsible for crafting and maging my stuff. She was disappointed with the result and advised cra to sell these items and make new ones. Of course, cra couldn’t reject that very tempting suggestion and she placed the items in sellrooms without any word to me. When I got to know about it (from enu, by the way) my items were sold. I was so upset I couldn’t find words to express my feelings. Seeing my reaction cra assumed I was fine with her actions…

On the bright side free cash is what we needed. Cra is planning to buy three more paddocks and new houses and our usual tactics – barter – doesn’t work anymore. Nowadays everyone wants to be paid in specie.

Written by Phekla

June 7, 2010 at 10:15 PM

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Where Has All the Time Gone?

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Six hours! SIX!

They spent all that time fussing over the stupid birds. And it’s not the first time, and not the last…

Some people say that a paddock makes you instantly rich. It’s a lie, a big lie! We have 5 paddocks of our own plus 2 more paddocks that our friends gave us access to. And what? Do we take bath of gold? Or maybe we can buy whatever we want? No way! Paddocks eat all our time. Every one in our team in one or another way is involved into breeding.

When this insanity started cra promised me a chameleon dragoturkey. Almost a year passed and I haven’t  seen promised mount, but I have to train more and more birds.

It would be fine with me if breeding didn’t interfere with other activities, but it does. I need materials for my new clothing (and I’m not alone in this), but because of the birds who constantly need attention we don’t have time for gathering materials. In fact we have time for nothing except stupid creatures. And they can’t even fly.

Well, thanks to breeding we have a lot of scrolls, and also some income. But I bet we could do much better if we used professions to make money…

But all this whining is pointless. They won’t listen to me. And they will never stop neglecting their duties…. I’d better be back to training ugly things…


Written by Phekla

May 24, 2010 at 11:07 PM

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A Bit of Evil

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Today old lady sacrificed her neutrality for the sake of the whole team and became Brakmarian.
Why she? Because she is the only one who is not involved in breeding and trading, thus she is the only one who doesn’t need fast and easy access to Bonta. However, I already foresee the problems in the future. Especially when Bonta is rebuilt, which should happen soon.
Well, the whole thing with the territories that are unaccessible for neutrals makes me mad. Why should the gate guards be killed for neutrals to enter the Firefox dungeon? It makes sense for the aligned people, but neutrals? Neutrals aren’t murderers, they are honest traders and crafters. Why don’t allow them free access to all the territories? Markets will only benefit from it.
I bet enu won’t stay Brakmarian for long. Inconveniences way outweigh all the benefits, all the more old lady can’t open Feudala gates on her own, and we just can’t help her…

Written by Phekla

April 13, 2010 at 1:27 AM

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After a Year of Tries…

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…and thousands of rabbits I finally got my first dark rabbit fabric. Hopefully I won’t need another year for the second.

Written by Phekla

March 9, 2010 at 12:55 PM

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Top-10 Places Not to Visit

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While camping at the third most unpleasant place in the World of Twelve I decided to make a list of 10 places I’d love to never visit.

10. Soft Oak and Treechnid dungeons
Many people complain about the maze there, but maze is fine with me, even it takes a lot of time for the whole team to go through it. Once the right path is memorised maze is no longer a problem.
What annoys the most are the rooms where we are transformed into treechnids. I really feel very uncomfortable in a wood body, not to mention I start to look obese.
But I heard a rumour that Gods deigned to answer our prays and decided to transform these dungeons into a nicer place.

9. Minototor Maze
This place wouldn’t be so unpleasant if someone shouldn’t have to die in order to open the way to the inner chambers for others. Even if the death in our world isn’t final it’s still something I always try to avoid, and it’s very painful to see someone sacrificing oneself just to let me inside the maze.

8. Crackler Dungeon
Always crowded with diamond hunters this mountain wouldn’t be in this list if the climbing path didn’t grow narrow closer to the top. One of the top ledges is so narrow that only two at a time people can fight their way up. Well, I know better places to hunt diamonds.

7. Evil Forest
Dark and repulsive, inhabited with bworks, spiders, onis and various night creatures, this forest isn’t nice to travellers, government even hired a guard to prevent adventurers from entering the area. And, of course, trees form a maze to distract anyone heading to Dark Vlad.

6. Sewers
They stink like hell, and no one lives there except rats and weird creatures in squirrel outfits. It’s not a place for a lady!

5. Pet Cemetery
Once it was a very interesting place. You were transformed in a ghost of your dead pet and had to go in this form to the dungeon in order to obtain the Resurrection Powder for your small friend…
Then one day it all changed. Yes, you are still transformed in a ghost, but not the one of your beloved pet, and you still fight angry spirits of pet who died alone, having no one nearby, but strategy is no longer of great importance, brute force will do the work just fine.

4. Gobbal Dungeon
I have been there so many times, I just can’t do it any more.

3. Wabbits Castle and Cawwot dungeon
Do you like carrots and rabbits? I do, but to a certain extent. I definitely don’t like aggressive rabbits, and especially aggressive undead rabbits. Thanks Gods nowadays Rabbit Kings are puny in comparison with their ancestors.

2. Skeunk’s Hideout
Aggressive monsters on the way, aggressive monsters inside, arrogant sadidettes and on top of that hard to get keys.

1. Primitive Cemetry
Absolute winner in my list of the most unpleasant places in the World of Twelve.
It has everything to be hated: you have to die to get there, the monsters inhabiting the area are aggressive, and the scenery is dull and repetitive.
Not enough? Have you ever tried to obtain 20-30 koalak rider skins in a reasonable time? I tried, and I failed.

Written by Phekla

March 9, 2010 at 4:21 AM

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Breeding is a cra’s passion. It takes all her time and she even has managed to infect eni and our new friend sram with it. Nowadays they all spend hours racing dragoturkeys in the paddocks. Moreover they made sadi responsible for selling chickens and old enu for storing valuable species as a reserve. But the worst in this story that they talked me into training chickens.
Dragoturkeys must be mature and trained a bit to be able to mate. And, of course, I understand the maturity requirement, but training? Why should a bird be experienced in a battle to become fertile? I don’t get it. It should be in their veins, on the instinct level, but, unfortunately, it just doesn’t work like this…
Anyway, today I trained thirteen birds. I was tired and didn’t want to continue, but eni gave me more chickens and reminded me about one hundred chickens in the shed waiting for my attention. And she made it sound like taking care of them is nothing difficult. “Birdies will just tag along with you while you are hunting kanigers, they won’t need much effort from you”, – eni said. I wish it was true.
However, chickens can’t be trained in groups, only one at the time. And it has one good reason – no matter how you try you can’t mount more than one of them. Therefore I also have to spend all my time on stupid things, even I promised sram some help with mastering hunter profession. But to tell the truth she doesn’t worry about it, too busy with her dragoturkeys…

Written by Phekla

February 19, 2010 at 5:45 AM

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