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Posts Tagged ‘Thoughts

Something Fishy

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Enu reacted much calmer than I expected. She agreed to get all that fishes we agreed to pay for the mount. She even didn’t complain. “Weird, and so unlike her!”, I thought.
Later sadi told me Kanni had asked her to remind the old lady about some bow. And we all know how she loves to work with bows…
But at least cra will have her fish without a scandal.

Written by Phekla

February 26, 2010 at 3:05 AM

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Side Note

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It’s interesting how things may change depending on the storyteller.

Written by Phekla

April 13, 2009 at 4:20 AM

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I feel better. Gods and people weren’t very kind to me in the last days. But for some reason I feel relieved.

Perhaps it’s due to frustration reached its maximum and I just can’t bear it anymore. Or maybe somewhere inside me I decided to take over all the troubles I got in the last time. No matter what the reason it’s for better. I need some peace and rest.

Written by Phekla

April 12, 2009 at 5:45 AM

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Weird Day

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I lost a friend because I was asking for help. Now I’m lost.

Written by Phekla

April 6, 2009 at 5:15 AM

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Friend, Where Art Thou?

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Today I found out that I’m no longer in friends with one person. No quarrels, no explanations, just nothing…
The day before eni quitted the guild she was in because she quarrelled with the guild leader. Elka who knows both of them says that the leader is upset and regrets his words the day before. Eni still feels offended. Even he gave her a paddock and said sorry.
It looks like we are losing friends. Kris is rarely seen, Bal is always busy, Grun disappeared, Lady too… It’s sad. Hopefully, things will go better from now on as I’m not that busy.

Written by Phekla

April 4, 2009 at 4:07 AM

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Ok, here is the deal you help me to develop my professions and I provide lifetime free craft.
So far only one person seriously accepted this deal and offered me significant help. The resources I got were worth millions and thanks to it now I’m really close to finishing the tailor apprenticeship. Comparing to this almost all other people did next to nothing.
I guess another person I made a deal with isn’t that interested in it. Yesterday we talked and I didn’t get an impression he wanted to help. Well, we’ll see soon enough.

Written by Phekla

March 11, 2009 at 4:35 AM

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New Goal – Turquoise Dofus

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Nikto is whining again. She says she is a cra and therefore needs a turquoise dofus to become more powerful.

Turquoise dofus is a very powerful artefact, came from the old times. It’s said it can increase the accuracy of the hits and make them more powerful. No doubt cra wants this relic. With it she can be able to steal life from the enemies or paralyse them using her arrows and of course the damage dealt with the weapons will be more significant.

It’s widely known that some turquoise dofuses can be found in the Dragon Pig’s lair. Also I heard a rumour Soft Oak seizes several relics. After we re-equip our team we should pay a visit to both of them, Dragon Pig and Soft Oak. Maybe we’ll find one of those dofuses and cra stop to whine.

Written by Phekla

January 30, 2009 at 1:58 PM

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What Professions Should I Pick Next?

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Almost  finished my apprenticeship as a dagger smith, one-two days more and I’ll reach master degree. Of course it couldn’t be possible without Ki’s help. He is collecting wood for me while I’m busy with the ores.

I want to become wand and staff maguses as soon as possible, also I need a hammer smithmagus profession. My friends have them, though. And I can ask them to mage my stuff for free. But being a magus will be more convenient especially when I want some non-standard maging. So now I have a dilemma: to study all crafting professions only to the stage where I can become a magus  and master all possible maguses as soon as possible or try to fully learn secrets of the professions one by one.

In terms of resources the second choice will be wiser, but it’ll take me more time to learn all magus professions. On the other hand maguses aren’t profitable anymore and fully mastered profession can be more useful for income.

Perhaps I should focus on 1-2 professions that use different ores and woods. I chop and collect everything I can anyway. Looks like working on the staff carver and hammer smith at the same time isn’t that hard. But need to check recipes books.

Written by Phekla

December 29, 2008 at 4:57 PM

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