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Posts Tagged ‘Tailor

Master Tailor

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Finally I did it. Now I’m a master tailor. Thousands and thousands of hats, capes and backpacks were made, but only dozens were sold. Everything else was destroyed in the crusher.
In fact I’m happy. My stone necklace of the unfinished projects became a little bit lighter. Now I can return to my relaxed usual manner of mastering professions and finish shoemaker.
Enu was impressed and now thinks of starting a shieldsmith. We all are against this idea as Sadi haven’t finished with her smiths and enu herself is still an apprentice fisherman and bow carver. Though both of them are proud of being able to mage their craftings.
And we should return to the work on our equipment. Cra is constantly whining she wants new boots, sadi wants new clothing made of moo fur, enu is looking for ancestral armours and I dream of soft oak set. It looks like only eni is happy but she is waiting for her hammer to be maged and sadi has no materials for potions. A lot of work waits for us.

Written by Phekla

April 4, 2009 at 3:54 AM

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Just Another Day

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That was pretty good day. Ki found two golden dragoturkeys and I captured souls of both. Only one left to find. Also I captured the souls of three archmonster: one dragoturkey and two monsters from the Keeholo tree. That was lucky.

Oh, and I collected hairs and skins for 30 more capes. Thus I’m a little bit closer to master level of tailor. Gruntar will be delighted to know it. Tomorrow I’ll check sellrooms for the wool and other resources. Maybe I’ll be able to craft more.

I tried to hunt cheekens but had no luck. It looks like my new axe has to wait more. Or maybe I should switch to getting materials for my boots, amulet, ring and belt. It won’t be too hard. Easy = time-wise = wise as Kris says.

Written by Phekla

March 8, 2009 at 7:29 AM

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Mastering a Tailor

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Tailor appeared to be one of the hardest professions so far. Right now I’m at that stage when I get no experience from crafting simple items. And all better equipment requires loads of rare materials. My everyday routine now includes farming these resources and it’s truly exhausting. Kitsous are the worst: they can become invisible, can summon doubles and they hit pretty hard and some of them are fully resistant to fire which is my primary element. Gobbals and gobkools are much more easier. But I need 40 times more drops from these monsters for crafting 1 cape. So it becomes boring pretty fast.

But I’m so close to master degree. 1 thousand of capes and hats and my education will be finished. I’ll be able to craft any cloak, hat or backpack. Can’t wait for it.

Written by Phekla

March 5, 2009 at 3:17 PM

Posted in Professions

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