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Posts Tagged ‘Professions

Huge Progress

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Finally we mastered 2/3 of all available professions. Just a little effort and we’ll be done. Sadi almost fully mastered swords and axes making. When she is done enu and eni will be able to continue their apprenticeship as carvers.
Enu wants to start to fish. Good luck to her.

Written by Phekla

August 11, 2009 at 5:27 PM

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Silent Month

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I kept silence for a month. Does it mean that nothing was happening? Or it was the opposite and I just was too busy to write?
The truth is like always somewhere in the middle. Some days were so hard and full with impressions I couldn’t find any power to write, and some days were so dull and unremarkable that they are hardly worth mentioning. Though all that time wasn’t wasted for nothing. Actually our team made certain progress in both crafting and fighting.

Written by Phekla

June 23, 2009 at 4:59 AM

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Master Tailor

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Finally I did it. Now I’m a master tailor. Thousands and thousands of hats, capes and backpacks were made, but only dozens were sold. Everything else was destroyed in the crusher.
In fact I’m happy. My stone necklace of the unfinished projects became a little bit lighter. Now I can return to my relaxed usual manner of mastering professions and finish shoemaker.
Enu was impressed and now thinks of starting a shieldsmith. We all are against this idea as Sadi haven’t finished with her smiths and enu herself is still an apprentice fisherman and bow carver. Though both of them are proud of being able to mage their craftings.
And we should return to the work on our equipment. Cra is constantly whining she wants new boots, sadi wants new clothing made of moo fur, enu is looking for ancestral armours and I dream of soft oak set. It looks like only eni is happy but she is waiting for her hammer to be maged and sadi has no materials for potions. A lot of work waits for us.

Written by Phekla

April 4, 2009 at 3:54 AM

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Busy Bee

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That was tough week. Mining, chopping, and crafting. Even cra and enu had to work hard. I believe we’ll be done in a couple of days.
As for now we got 21 professions of 22 possible. Of course it was impossible to master all of them in such a short time. But we aren’t going to stop now. Though a little break will be useful. I’ll see how it goes. The current rythm is exhausting and I almost stopped to work on my equipment but the professional results are very satisfying.
My friend is back from his vacations. Things should be back on track soon.

Written by Phekla

March 30, 2009 at 5:09 AM

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Burning Days

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The last two days I spent near the anvil in the smiths workshop. Sadi was trying to learn some basics of forging axes and swords. To tell the truth she showed incredible stamina and will. In two days only she mastered these professions good enough to be able to learn how to control elements. And now she became a sword and an axe smithmagus.
She had mastered hammers maging earlier and I believe it helped her. But still her speed that time impressed me even if she said it was easy with me and granny helping her to collect materials.
Enu and eni were inspired and decided to work on carver professions. I hope we’ll see the results soon.

Written by Phekla

March 21, 2009 at 5:43 AM

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Mastering a Tailor

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Tailor appeared to be one of the hardest professions so far. Right now I’m at that stage when I get no experience from crafting simple items. And all better equipment requires loads of rare materials. My everyday routine now includes farming these resources and it’s truly exhausting. Kitsous are the worst: they can become invisible, can summon doubles and they hit pretty hard and some of them are fully resistant to fire which is my primary element. Gobbals and gobkools are much more easier. But I need 40 times more drops from these monsters for crafting 1 cape. So it becomes boring pretty fast.

But I’m so close to master degree. 1 thousand of capes and hats and my education will be finished. I’ll be able to craft any cloak, hat or backpack. Can’t wait for it.

Written by Phekla

March 5, 2009 at 3:17 PM

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Staff Carver: Easier Than Expected

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Today I almost reached the stage where I can become a staff carver magus. And I used only the resources I collected before. This profession appeared to be very easy to learn. Hopefully I’ll master it soon enough to craft the staff I want so badly. Magus should be ready in 2-3 days if I skip training.

Soon I’ll have to go back to mining and chopping. I’m short on cherry wood needed for shovel smith and I ran out of ore. And as eni wants to use hammers instead of wands I need hammer smith as soon as possible.

Written by Phekla

January 16, 2009 at 12:06 AM

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Master Lumberjack

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Fully mastered lumberjack’s profession. Now I know where to find and how to chop even the most rare and valuable trees. Regular wood I can collect in amazing quantities with the tremendous speed. Time to start wood heavy professions – different carvers.

Written by Phekla

January 9, 2009 at 12:54 AM

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What Professions Should I Pick Next?

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Almost  finished my apprenticeship as a dagger smith, one-two days more and I’ll reach master degree. Of course it couldn’t be possible without Ki’s help. He is collecting wood for me while I’m busy with the ores.

I want to become wand and staff maguses as soon as possible, also I need a hammer smithmagus profession. My friends have them, though. And I can ask them to mage my stuff for free. But being a magus will be more convenient especially when I want some non-standard maging. So now I have a dilemma: to study all crafting professions only to the stage where I can become a magus  and master all possible maguses as soon as possible or try to fully learn secrets of the professions one by one.

In terms of resources the second choice will be wiser, but it’ll take me more time to learn all magus professions. On the other hand maguses aren’t profitable anymore and fully mastered profession can be more useful for income.

Perhaps I should focus on 1-2 professions that use different ores and woods. I chop and collect everything I can anyway. Looks like working on the staff carver and hammer smith at the same time isn’t that hard. But need to check recipes books.

Written by Phekla

December 29, 2008 at 4:57 PM

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