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Posts Tagged ‘Pets

Golden Dragoone: Quick Start Guide to Raising

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golden dragoone

Golden Dragoone is a soul-eater pet. It feeds on temple dopple souls. Theoretically it is possible to fully train a golden dragoone in 60 days, if one can kill all the dopples and doesn’t skip a day.

There are two main strategies for defeating dopples:

  • Kill them faster than they can kill you. This strategy works nicely for heavy hitters.
  • Prevent them from hitting you.

In our particular case the responsibility for training a dragoon belongs to cra and sadida. Both can’t deal incredible damage for various reasons, but they possess the abilities to immobilise dopples. Cra’s main strategy is to immobilise an opponent, push it if he or she managed to come too close, and occasionally to reduce opponent’s abilities for ranged combat. Sadida’s favourite tactics is summoning dolls to distract the opponents, to immobilise them with the soothing bramble, and running in circles. Perhaps, strategy like this requires more time, but it guarantees a sure win and highly reduced bread costs.

Even if the core strategy is the same there are some special tricks for each of 12 dopples, of course (I saw the fights almost only with the strongest dopples, so my recommendations are based on this observations and can be unreliable for weaker species).

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Written by Phekla

November 8, 2010 at 3:49 PM

More Reasons to Keep a Zoo

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Cra likes pets. In fact she likes them so much she always carry with her a small zoo. Well, small is very relative… normally she has about 100 – 150 pets. And unlike many people I know (including myself to a certain extent) she really cares about animals: she regularly feeds them, heals them if needed, and takes them for a walk. She even took all our non-souleaters, because we were keeping forgetting to feed them, and they gradually became skinny and unhealthy. Nowadays all the pets are in the best possible condition.

This zoo of hers has been a target for jokes. However we may be forced to reconsider. Pets nowadays are able to help more if they are in the areas they like. Enthusiasm of some pets is so amazing, their effectiveness increases by 300%!

And still I don’t think that pets will be able to compete with dragoturkeys seriously. Pets worth buying and keeping are either too expensive in the first place (like piwins) or very hard to raise (like koalaks requiring pretty rare drops for food, or squirrels that gain experience very slow). Dragoturkeys, even last generations, are cheap, easy and fast to train, almost do not need feeding. Some birds may also increase range or mobility, and pets have nothing to oppose these bonuses.

Below is the full list of known pets, their bonuses (not counting the effects of enhancement potions), favourite areas, and area bonus. Each entry is accompanied by a picture for easier identification of an animal.

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Written by Phekla

November 5, 2010 at 1:33 AM

Posted in Dofus Hunts, Thoughts

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Feeding Pets… A New Approach

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We are busy feeding pets. Again. But we changed the style.

Some pets eat simple food: nuts and seeds, fish and meat, and so on. Some pets are very picky when it comes to food and eat things that can be obtained only in the areas of natural habitation of these animals, like monkeys or koalaks. But the pets we are trying to raise now are nothing of a kind. Our new (actually, they aren’t new, but they were neglected until now) pets eat the remnants of the souls. And, of course, they are very selective and won’t be happy with any monster’s soul.

In total we have 7 foxes, plus 1 fox which belongs to Kanni (it’s quite long story why we are raising his pet). Each fox has to eat the remnants of 550 monsters souls to be fully trained and to achieve the peak of its power. So, we should kill at least 4400 fire foxes to raise our pets. Sounds scary?

On the bright side foxes hunt gives materials that will be very useful for the ongoing runes making project.

Written by Phekla

May 20, 2010 at 11:25 PM

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Voracious Monkeys

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Yesterday we almost finished with healing and feeding our zoo, only dragoones and monkeys left. Today we sailed to the Moon island to refill the supplies of monkeys’ food.
If you don’t know monkeys are very picky about the food, they won’t eat just anything, they need leaves and petals of the plants that can be found only on the Moon island. So, after two hours of gathering leaves we fed our poor skinny animal. They ate all the leaves but didn’t return to norm. And they show no syptoms of getting better. Totally exhausted we decided to camp on the beach and continue harvesting tomorrow morning.
The good thing about this trip is that I will finally be able to sew a new hat for me. I was thinking about it for quite some time, but was too busy to collect all the needed materials. And I have a perfect opportunity to finish with it. Wish me luck with the hat.

Written by Phekla

February 11, 2010 at 12:25 PM

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Starving Pets

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Cra and I are back. And what did we find? Of course, starving pets and dragoturkeys miscarrying chickens.
While we could do nothing for poor mounts except giving them some cheering words and promises not to leave them alone for so long ever again, we had to do something for the poor animals.
After a long absence no food could be found in our inventories and on top of that the prices on the resources market are higher than ever. But thanks to our friend we got some (actually, a lot) sesame seeds for birds. Some nuts were found in the farthest corners of the bank safes and in the house chests, and we bought some cheap live animals for the dragoones.
Then feeding started.
It took us almost 6 hours to feed the pets, but we are not done yet (no food for monkeys). Poor creatures, they were so hungry and skinny, they required 30-40 times bigger ration and healing powder. The good thing this time pets were not too weak and didn’t lose health when we started to feed them.
Cra’s and my pets are fine now, except koalas and monkeys, we’ll deal with it tomorrow.

Written by Phekla

February 10, 2010 at 11:55 AM

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