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Feeding Pets… A New Approach

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We are busy feeding pets. Again. But we changed the style.

Some pets eat simple food: nuts and seeds, fish and meat, and so on. Some pets are very picky when it comes to food and eat things that can be obtained only in the areas of natural habitation of these animals, like monkeys or koalaks. But the pets we are trying to raise now are nothing of a kind. Our new (actually, they aren’t new, but they were neglected until now) pets eat the remnants of the souls. And, of course, they are very selective and won’t be happy with any monster’s soul.

In total we have 7 foxes, plus 1 fox which belongs to Kanni (it’s quite long story why we are raising his pet). Each fox has to eat the remnants of 550 monsters souls to be fully trained and to achieve the peak of its power. So, we should kill at least 4400 fire foxes to raise our pets. Sounds scary?

On the bright side foxes hunt gives materials that will be very useful for the ongoing runes making project.

Written by Phekla

May 20, 2010 at 11:25 PM

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Mrs. Grumbler is Happy! Finally…

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She is finally happy, our old lady!

Today (one day later than we planned, unfortunately) we presented her the scrolls. We were lucky, she didn’t know about our preparations. Or maybe she was polite and didn’t show she knew all our plans beforehand. However, she was really touched and even cried a little bit.

I know, I often say bad things about old lady, but I still love her. And today I was happy to see her smiling and behaving like a child who was given a new toy. I also was impressed with her kindness and care about all of us. When we gave her scrolls of fire, earth, and wind magic she asked whether we have enough of them for others. It took cra and me quite some time to convince her of no need to worry, cra even had to demonstrate her abilities to wield different kinds of magic. But at the end enu accepted scrolls and studied them carefully.

It was really a very happy day.

Written by Phekla

May 10, 2010 at 12:48 AM

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Old Lady’s Grumble

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Enu often complains about our friend Kanni. She says he gives her information in such a confusing way she can’t recall later anything he says.

Well, it’s true to a certain extent. He is very confusing when he talks about his plans and schedules. I always have to ask again and again to understand what he means. I even thought that sadidas used different concept of time and their measures weren’t the same as ours. So, I went to my friend sadida and asked her.

She laughed for so long, it even made me feel uncomfortable (not often happens to me). When she was able to talk she told me that Kanni was the only sadida who used different approach to time and it all came from his concept of happy sadida life: 22 hours of sleep and 3 meals a day. Then she went in very long, detailed, and very confusing explanations… I couldn’t bear it and fled. I guess, only xelors can be worse interlocutors to talk about time.

I had no choice but to return to enu and suggest her to find something that will make Kanni more understandable. And she came up with the brilliant idea!

Message Board

Our guild is pretty small but we have a guild hall and a message board. And the most important thing there is a standard calendar there. So enu proposed that Kanni should write about his plans and schedule on the board.

I really hope it will work. Because right now we skip planned guild activities due to the misunderstandings and mess in the schedules. Of course, it has something to do with cra, who was neglecting her duties for quite some time. But I saw her note where she apologised and promised to improve.

Written by Phekla

May 8, 2010 at 11:55 AM

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Scrolls, Scrolls, Scrolls

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Scrolls are the main concern now. Not for all of us, of course, but as as we work as a team all of us are involved.

What are the scrolls? Just pieces of paper or skin with writings on them? Well, scrolls like this exist, too, I think. But we are after the magic scrolls, when used properly they increase our abilities to use water, air, fire, earth, and neutral spells and weapons. Also they may make the user wiser which helps with immobilising opponents.

Cra, eni, and I got our sets of scrolls some time ago. Eni and I still miss some, but cra gained and used almost all scrolls that she could (yes, their power is limited to prevent people from becoming too strong and wise, and it’s a good thing). Sadida got her scrolls to improve wisdom and knowledge of earth powers just another day. Now enus turn.

Old lady was grumbling a lot about the scrolls. She and her chest was essential for collecting materials, but all of them went elsewhere. I hope she’ll be happy now. It’s still a secret, but we hope to present to her full set of wisdom and water scrolls tonight. And to make our surprise even better we collected additional scrolls containing knowledge of fire, air, and earth magic. I can’t wait to see her reaction.

When this is done only sram, xelor, and panda will be left. Well, “only” is a wrong word. A phrase “The whole sram, xelor, and panda” describes current situation much better. However, eni has quite a collection of scrolls in one of her chests, and I believe that at least 2/3 of all the work is done already. And recent progress in breeding should help a lot.

Written by Phekla

May 8, 2010 at 11:23 AM

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