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Spring Cleaning

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Bonta House

We waited a bit too long for the spring cleaning — it’s mid-spring already. I guess we are getting lazy. Anyway, it’s finished with the good results: all the contents of the chests are checked and reorganised, the banks were cleaned and the fees came down from 200-250k to 20-40k per visit. Quite an accomplishment, I’d say, as all the process required relocating over 200’000 items.

Reorganising of the chests was a long awaited move: the system of organising items  by type (as in sellrooms) proved to be highly ineffective and required visits to several houses and bank in order to craft anything more complicated than one slot recipe. However, nothing has been done until recently, as moving our resources is pretty much troublesome and time consuming. We wouldn’t change anything if not for the house exchange.

Panda found out that one of our friends had a house close to the sram and xelor’s  houses: in a walking distance, no need for zaapis, close to the pet’s market and public paddocks. The place was ideal, and the house had the same number of floors and chests. Fortunately the owner of the house was kind enough to agree to the exchange. As contents of the chests are moved to the original owner’s bank upon sale the house should’ve been cleaned and chests emptied (no one wants additional 400k bank fee). It was a perfect opportunity to move our stuff.

After some thought we came to conclusion that the most sensible way to store resources is to organise them by origin, i.e., all resources from Otomai Island are in one chest (although one chest holds only 80 types of items and Otomai Island gives more resources, but this place is an exclusion), all resources from Kania Plains — in another. This way the number of visits to the houses and chests when unloading resources and collecting them for crafts is optimised. However, we preserved the old system (by resource type) for runes, potions, meats, ore, wood, and precious stones.

I can’t say how much more effective this new system, but according to the experience of  the first couple of days it requires less effort. Although new item locations should be memorised. But I think cra will just make a chests map, she is really bad in learning by heart stuff like this.

Written by Phekla

April 20, 2011 at 3:52 PM

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KIndhearted Iiwar

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The other day we went to pay a visit to Bworker. We were a really overkilling team: two sadidas, two pandas, cra, enu, eni, and me, feca. With this team we could not only immobilise every creature in the Bworker’s throne room but were capable of pretty good manipulation of the battle field. However, we almost died since soon after the start of the fight Iiwar found out she was too kindhearted and merciful to help us to defeat Bworker. Instead of throwing us out of bwork’s  boss range she allowed him to punish both sadidas. Thanks Gods, she was the next to get acquainted with Bworker really close.

We were left five against eight monsters, including their really fast and agile leader. Without sadida’s dolls, with one of the pandas being rendered useless our usual strategy based on total immobilisation of all and everything couldn’t work. We were really lucky to bring cra’s new husband — a panda — with us. Usually we ask sram to help out, but that time she didn’t feel well, or more likely she was just lazy, and we invited our unexperienced friend.  It was the first time when the responsibility for the team’s safety was almost solely his. And I must admit he did great. He literally saved us.

We can’t, and, honestly, never bother, to lock Bworker with one of his Elemental Bworks. We do it a straightforward way: we just don’t let the bworks to come close and reduce their abilities for range combat. This is surely not the fastest way but the least painful; in fact, eni often complains she is unable to use her vast healing powers and has to resort to brute force in order to be somehow useful.

That day everything went wrong. We couldn’t stop the assault and we had no room to retreat and regroup. We almost gave up, but not the panda. He was always in a right place to throw Bworker as far as he could and at the same time keep it in cra’s range.  And while he was unable to completely isolate the threat or deal any noticeable damage his role is hard to overrate, especially when old lady’s efforts to prevent Bworker from moving had from little to no success.

After we were done with Bworker we asked Iiwar to explain herself. She told us it was totally unfair that a poor old Bworker was one against eight of us. So she decided to even the numbers…

Written by Phekla

February 13, 2011 at 9:22 PM

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Something Unexpected

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We were sick for a couple of weeks. But everything looked pretty good:  our houses still were where they were supposed to be, birds were happy, pets were fed, and even enu had no will to grumble… until today.

We returned to our regular routine two-three days ago. Yesterday cra even managed to train about a dozen of birds and soul three archmonsters. Dragoturkeys were placed to the sheds and paddocks and we went to our beds.

Today sram went to her guild paddock and found some guildmate toying with her breeding equipment. It wasn’t nice of that person, but it was bearable enough according to sram. What really surprised her was the absence of five birds. The person who was near the paddock claimed there were only five birds when she arrived. I have no idea whether it is truth or not. Sram doesn’t know that person and can’t say anything. But she really disliked the fact that someone was touching her birds and equipment without asking.

It’s not a money issue. The missing birds aren’t very expensive or impossible to breed: a three purebred goldens (one is load bearer) and two ebony and crimson with capacities (not sure which ones, but not chameleons). These birds are cheap, so there is no much sense in stealing them… unless someone wanted to free room for breeding their own birds.

It is a very unpleasant incident. Sram even started to think about quitting that guild.

Written by Phekla

February 12, 2011 at 2:33 AM

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Kwismas Magic Numbers

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Kwismas Present

Today we found some magical numbers, which can be exchanged for the Kwismas presents:

  • Dofusian Present (fireworks and snacks)
  • Slightly Lucky Hambug (25 prospecting bonus for 10 fights)
  • Slightly Wise Hambug (25 wisdom bonus for 10 fights)

We got one present each. Nonetheless we were left with some spare sets of numbers. It’ll be a pity if they are not used. So I want to share them:


Merry Kwismas!

Written by Phekla

December 24, 2010 at 2:11 PM

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Dragoturkeys’ Store Update: New Arrivals

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Dragoturkeys store recently received new birds. More breeds, including X generation, were added to the list. Also new chameleons and load bearers are on sale.

For the complete list of birds on sale, please, check this table.

Written by Phekla

December 17, 2010 at 4:18 AM

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We Are Aviators!

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We Are Aviators

I almost forgot about this picture. It was created the day we travelled to the Moon Island to explore the rumoured kanniballs den.

It appeared the kanniballs were absolutely unprepared to face us and we dealt with them quickly and effortlessly. It’s hard to describe our surprise when we found out that we had learned to gift flowers. Who could’ve expected that kanniballs in fact were nice and gentle somewhere deep inside.

Written by Phekla

December 16, 2010 at 1:27 PM

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Diamonds Are the Girl’s Best Friends…

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… according to the famous saying. And it looks like cra come to fully believe it. I wouldn’t be surprised if old lady became obsessed with sparkling jewels, but cra!

Nowadays she sells everything for diamonds: dragoturkeys, scrolls, equipment, etc. I don’t get why she is doing this. She just stores the stones in her house in the chest and forbids everyone to touch them. Even enu thinks the cra is out of her mind.

I have no idea how long this obsession is going to last. And I really hope we won’t be forced to hunt cracklers for the diamond stones.

Written by Phekla

November 21, 2010 at 2:37 PM

Posted in Dofus Hunts, Misc

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Places of Interest

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Iops' Motto

I’m not a fun of sightseeing, but some things are ought to be seen. For example, the Iops temple with the engraved motto “No fear. No brain.”.

Peeing Boy Fountain

Another remarkable place is le Petit Julien (or simply peeing boy fountain): baby iop sprinkles a small pond. I’ve never seen this fountain (or maybe I just haven’t noticed it) except on this picture. And now I really want to find it, it reminds me of another boy in another world…

Peeing Panda Fountain

A baby pandas fountain continues and even further develops the idea of children’s natural beauty. This statue can be found in Neutral Pandala near the Merchant Square. It’s worth mentioning that this architectural wonder not only adorns the main Pandala village but also provides fast access to Incarnam.

Bathing Eniripsas

Many of us already forgot Incarnam and the bathing beauties greeting all newcomers, yet, these nice ladies used to heal us. But now it may change to better: access to Incarnam has been opened for everyone recently.

Written by Phekla

October 31, 2010 at 8:34 PM

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Picture Archives

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I found an old picture:
Pink Gear

Gear was so embarrassed with his pink outfit. But I think he looked pretty, even cute…

And this is his recent picture:

I still think black and white outfit he used to wear looked nicer… Blue isn’t bad but… pink is so much better!

Written by Phekla

October 27, 2010 at 11:36 PM

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Prodigal Husband

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Gear is back.

Surprise? Definitely!

For how long is he going to stay this time? He claims that he will be with us at least till end of winter. Can he be trusted? Hard to say. It’s not the first coming back and, I suppose, not the last…

Nonetheless I’m glad to see him again. He used to be in the list of iops who didn’t make me die of boredom or annoy me with their stupidity. Well, it can be that I haven’t had enough experience since Gear was hard to find the last 6 months he was in Amakna.

Gear and Cra

Hmm… I don’t sound optimistic… Perhaps it’s because I’ve found out that the other day he asked cra whether they would marry again. I don’t know what she will answer if he propose, but I know for sure that old lady will be very unhappy. Cra paid divorce fee the last time and enu could’t forget it. But who pays attention to old grumblers when wedding bells and fireworks are involved?

One thing that hasn’t changed is Gear’s inability to look after the pets. And here he managed to beat even Kanni (who now gives us all his non soul eater pets): Gear gave me cats to feed the dragoones and … a couple of these cats haven’t been fed for 1’100+ days. Yes, over one thousand hundred days! Poor kittens, they are skinny and very unhappy…

Written by Phekla

October 27, 2010 at 11:26 PM

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