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Posts Tagged ‘Guild


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New Paddock

Our new guild paddock.

It’s not big only 10 mounts can be trained simultaneously. However, it’s near the Bonta gates, the neighbours seem to be nice, and the price was almost right. Well, the price for paddocks is never right unless you buy them from government, but it doesn’t happen often.

Cra is happy. And this is the most important thing. Moreover, this purchase won’t affect me as dragoturkeys trainer, as cra prefers to train her chickens herself. So, I guess, I’m happy, too.

Written by Phekla

September 14, 2010 at 10:01 PM

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Are You Ready for the Race?

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Communication with Frigost is finally fully reestablished! Access to the island will be opened to everyone. And it will happen today, which, of course, is very unexpected as almost everyone was sure that repairs would take much more time.

Anyway, waiting for the new lands ends today. And with the new lands new paddocks and new houses will be available. However, there are only 18 new paddocks and almost all of them are of decent size, so we expect a race for paddocks. Our guild will participate as well. We have room for three more enclosures and cra is desperate to get them. I wish her best of luck.

And now I have to go and make last preparations. I’m going to participate in another race – race for houses. Hopefully I’ll be able to buy one not so far from zaap, I really dislike walking through the snow and there are no zaapis in Frigost town.

Written by Phekla

June 24, 2010 at 11:20 PM

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Old Lady’s Grumble

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Enu often complains about our friend Kanni. She says he gives her information in such a confusing way she can’t recall later anything he says.

Well, it’s true to a certain extent. He is very confusing when he talks about his plans and schedules. I always have to ask again and again to understand what he means. I even thought that sadidas used different concept of time and their measures weren’t the same as ours. So, I went to my friend sadida and asked her.

She laughed for so long, it even made me feel uncomfortable (not often happens to me). When she was able to talk she told me that Kanni was the only sadida who used different approach to time and it all came from his concept of happy sadida life: 22 hours of sleep and 3 meals a day. Then she went in very long, detailed, and very confusing explanations… I couldn’t bear it and fled. I guess, only xelors can be worse interlocutors to talk about time.

I had no choice but to return to enu and suggest her to find something that will make Kanni more understandable. And she came up with the brilliant idea!

Message Board

Our guild is pretty small but we have a guild hall and a message board. And the most important thing there is a standard calendar there. So enu proposed that Kanni should write about his plans and schedule on the board.

I really hope it will work. Because right now we skip planned guild activities due to the misunderstandings and mess in the schedules. Of course, it has something to do with cra, who was neglecting her duties for quite some time. But I saw her note where she apologised and promised to improve.

Written by Phekla

May 8, 2010 at 11:55 AM

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Friend, Where Art Thou?

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Today I found out that I’m no longer in friends with one person. No quarrels, no explanations, just nothing…
The day before eni quitted the guild she was in because she quarrelled with the guild leader. Elka who knows both of them says that the leader is upset and regrets his words the day before. Eni still feels offended. Even he gave her a paddock and said sorry.
It looks like we are losing friends. Kris is rarely seen, Bal is always busy, Grun disappeared, Lady too… It’s sad. Hopefully, things will go better from now on as I’m not that busy.

Written by Phekla

April 4, 2009 at 4:07 AM

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