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Posts Tagged ‘Dofuses

Hunt or not to Hunt?

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Turquoise Dofus

Obtaining all the precious eggs is the ultimate goal of any follower of the World of Twelve Gods. Of course, it’s not the goal of any living being in our world. In fact, it’s not the main goal for the majority of the people I know. Probably, they don’t believe in Gods, or they don’t think that Gods have the right to give them a goal. Whatever…

I’m not sure I’ll be happy to have all the dofuses myself. But I’m sure some of my teammates would be happy to lay their hands on at least one real dofus. And the question is what strategy will be the best to obtains these eggs.

There are only two ways to obtain them legally (excluding inheriting one from kind and prematurely died uncle): to hunt the keepers of the dragon eggs or to buy them from the lucky hunters.  For quite some time I thought that hunting may bring results faster, but lately I was surprised with the number of dofuses on sale. And the prices are relatively low. If this tendency continues there is no need for us whatsoever to hunt anything. We just need to return to money making and convert our time and abilities in shiny coins. Not that hard…

I need to talk things over with the enu and cra, they are the “financial geniuses” of the team, and what’s more important cra keeps all the company’s gold.

Written by Phekla

May 10, 2010 at 3:50 PM

Posted in Thoughts

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New Challenge

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Otomai, a mad scientist living on the tree, is a very strange person. He is looking for various monsters souls for his experiments and offers a really generous reward for those who can provide him with the complete set of monsters. A shiny egg that resembles legendary dragon eggs gives its owner to do more during the fight. To tell the truth, I do not understand how it works, but it works. And the most important thing – Otomai can manufacture a lot of these eggs and he is in constant need of “experimental material”. Of course our company couldn’t miss this chance and took the quest.

At the moment we are almost done with sets of regular monsters. And cra is very close to complete the set of boss monsters that live in the dungeons. Only Sphincter Cell, Ougaa, and Minotot left.


We’ll try to defeat Minotot tomorrow, and it shouldn’t be too hard if we have some luck. Immobilisation and locking Minotot in the corner should work perfectly. Of course, there is always a chance we’ll have to retreat, but at least we have a good idea what and how to do it.


Ougaa is pretty much impossible for us at the moment. We do not possess neither power nor abilities required for the victory. I just can hope that some day with the help of our friends we’ll do it. But for now I would’t even try anything. Cra will have to think of something to obtain the soul.

Sphincter Cell

Sphincter Cell is a different story. We already have been there and defeated it. But it was so long ago that I completely forgot how to do it, same goes for other members of the team. Not to mention that all previous times we had some serious help.

The other day we paid a visit to Mr. Biggest Rat Boss and had to retreat. It wasn’t as bad as our first try with Bworker, but pretty much humiliating as it was far from the first time we saw it.

Immobilisation and attempts to reduce the range as a strategy failed, and we were unable to lock Sphincter Cell either. I guess splitting the team was a huge mistake; and next time we should try to stay close to each other and lock the boss in some kind of box. The only thing I’m concerned about is that it doesn’t need line of sight to teleport and may run away unless we manage to entertain it somehow or to reduce significantly his abilities to do act.

Written by Phekla

March 1, 2010 at 11:56 PM

New Goal – Turquoise Dofus

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Nikto is whining again. She says she is a cra and therefore needs a turquoise dofus to become more powerful.

Turquoise dofus is a very powerful artefact, came from the old times. It’s said it can increase the accuracy of the hits and make them more powerful. No doubt cra wants this relic. With it she can be able to steal life from the enemies or paralyse them using her arrows and of course the damage dealt with the weapons will be more significant.

It’s widely known that some turquoise dofuses can be found in the Dragon Pig’s lair. Also I heard a rumour Soft Oak seizes several relics. After we re-equip our team we should pay a visit to both of them, Dragon Pig and Soft Oak. Maybe we’ll find one of those dofuses and cra stop to whine.

Written by Phekla

January 30, 2009 at 1:58 PM

Posted in Dofus Hunts

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