Marginal notes


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While we always had (and still have) plenty of on-going projects two of them were of the most importance: professions and breeding.


Professions Project

The ultimate goal of the professions project was to master all existing professions. And this goal has been achieved fully: our team has at least one master of all 22 main professions and 11 specialisations. Therefore the project is finished.

The next project related to this one is a research of maging system. It’s main focus is maging mechanisms and runes production. Due to the time issues active research is postponed, but still we try to track the changes and results of our everyday activities. Hence we make really slow but nonetheless steady progress.


Breeding Project

It all started about two years ago with a pair of crimson mounts with questionable pedigree. Then there were hunts for wild dragoturkeys (the golden one was such a pain!) and plenty of failed attempts to tame them, endless hours spent in the public paddocks of Bonta and Brakmar, frustration due to the inability to get a desired breed, and, finally, first chameleon mount (thanks to Ki and his help).

The first goal of the breeding project was to breed mounts of all possible colours. Later it transformed in obtaining purebred mounts with Wise, Load Bearer, and Reproductive capacities. Nowadays the main goal is to get chameleon mounts of all possible breeds and purify the lines for them.

More details about the breeding project can be found on the Breeding Project page.

Written by Phekla

November 12, 2010 at 12:34 PM

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