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Archive for the ‘Equipment’ Category

Change of Attitude

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I can’t believe it. Cra is actually buying equipment. She always insisted on making it, even we had no time for hunting.

Recently she made some fortune. I have no idea how she managed to do it, as in the past couple of months we had no time for anything besides breeding. And now she is spending this money on buying materials for equipment and even equipment pieces. The new set for sadida is almost done. The set for eniripsa is the next in the list, according to cra. And she even promised to get some new equipment for me, but the equipment I want is highly overpriced at the moment, so I want to persuade her to wait till prices drop. If I have to I’ll get the heavy artillery, namely Petrovna. Old lady is incredibly good in negotiating budget solutions, she always has 1001 argument against spending even 1 kama.

The most surprising thing is, however, the set cra is putting together for herself. For months she was working on mastering water magic. But the pieces she is getting now are no good for water magic wielder. It looks like she is going to change her preferences in magic back to air and fire. Well, we’ll see it soon.

The one thing hasn’t changed. Cra is still buying the cheapest stuff she can find. She is relying on Drelas in making all the items look good. Considering the amount of runes in the chests it shouldn’t be that big problem, even I dislike the idea of maging amulets and boots.

Written by Phekla

February 24, 2011 at 1:08 PM

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Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining

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Ancestral set.png

The fourth Goultarminator challenge for teams’ supporters was a treechnid hunt. I genuinely  dislike treechnids, and not without a reason: Nechto was in need of Ancestral set, so we hunted them, Petrovna was in need of Ancestral set, so we hunted them, Kanni was in need of Ancestral set, so we hunted them, Viisas was in need of Ancestral set, so we hunted them. My guildmates, friends, all at some point were in need of Ancestral sets, so we had to go and hunt treechnids again and again… Even old lady was sick of them and suggested to buy two Ancestral sets for pandawa and xelor.

The Goultarminator challenge seemed like a nightmare: hunting treechnids once again. I thought cra would refuse to participate, even she was intended to support our teams. To my surprise she decided to go to the Treechnid dungeon.

“We will kill four birds with one stone” — was her explanation. “First of all, we’ll help our teams, secondly, we’ll get materials for the Ancestral sets, thirdly, we’ll get the Ancestral Treechnid souls someone has promised to bring to Otomai,” — she glanced meaningfully at our younger friends, — “and the last but not the least we’ll show Ki…”

“Ha-ha-ha” — enu said. “Now we all know what’s it all about. You just can’t allow Ki to look better than you. Ok, let’s visit our old woody friends.”

That’s how I found myself in a company with treechnids… However, it wasn’t as bad as it used to be: no transformations, no maze, more, but fast to kill, treechnids, better drops, etc. In fact it felt almost as a beach walk. Still sram managed to shirk one of the dungeon runs. Moreover she was impertinent enough to demand rescue and blame us for “the unfortunate concurrence of circumstances that prevented her from helping Rosal teams”. Well, she didn’t have much time to talk — cra wanted to be done with the trees as soon as possible.

As a result of participation in this event we got enough materials to craft two Ancestral sets. That was really nice, especially considering that we didn’t have to hunt treechnids outside the dungeon as it used to be.

The Warf Axe

The last thing that should be decided about the panda and xelor’s equipment is the choice of weapon. Xelor is going to opt for the Axel, as it will increase her abilities to restrain the enemies. And panda, probably, will go for the axe. Axes are the favourite weapon of pandas, and they even have inherited predisposition to axes, so they can use them more effectively than others.

Written by Phekla

August 29, 2010 at 9:38 AM

Hail Sceptre

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While Rosal teams use mainly Ougaammers, many teams from the older realms are equipped with Hail Sceptres — weapons that can be crafted using the resources from newly rediscovered Sakai island. I wonder if this sceptre is really that good.

Hail Sceptre Ougaammer
Hail Sceptre Ougaammer

  • 10 to 15 (neutral)
  • 8 to 12 (fire)
  • 8 to 12 (air)
19 to 35 (neutral)

Special effects
Lost AP for the target: 1

Special effects
Steals 2 to 7 HP (water)

  • +301 to 350 vitality
  • +41 to 60 strength
  • +41 to 60 chance
  • +31 to 50 wisdom
  • +5 to 7 damage
  • +1 range
  • +301 to 400 initiative
  • +21 to 30 prospecting
  • +6 to 10 neutral resistance
  • +6 to 10 % fire resistance

  • +301 to 400 vitality
  • +31 to 40 wisdom
  • +6 to 10 damage
  • Increases damage by 31 to 40%
  • +6 to 10 prospecting

I know cra wants this sceptre, but she prefers staves to any other weapon, not to mention she is an expert in water and air magic.


Written by Phekla

August 19, 2010 at 1:33 PM

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Seeking for Explosives

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Gourlo's Explosive Powder

Who could think that explosives can be used in craft of the shoes? Despite all the logic ten measures of Gourlo’s Explosive Powder are needed for each pair of Pierced Boots, and we want at least two pairs (one for me and one for eni). We managed to collect 10 measures during the Dungeon Race, but we need 10 more, which means more fights with Gourlo the Fearsome, and he is very stingy when it comes to the explosives. Not to be unjust to this brave captain I have to say that he generously treat guests with rum, each time he has an opportunity he offers them a barrel.


In our previous visits Gourlo tried to avoid contact with barrels, but if we could somehow immobilise him near one of them he would become weaker, I guess he just didn’t know where to stop when drinking. Nowadays he is affected by barrels only if he shares them with someone. And this someone should be real, he refuses to see summons as appropriate company. So, these days we always have to have someone drinking with Gourlo and sometimes it ends with both of them being dead, although, with a team like ours it’s not crucial.

I think in a couple of days we’ll be back to the pirate’s boat. It’s always nice to talk to an old friend, and captain is one of them.

Written by Phekla

July 1, 2010 at 12:57 PM

Do We Really Need Eni?

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Minotot was scary the last time we were their. It killed all members of our team with furious cruelty. But it was long, long ago… This time it looked somehow smaller, weaker and even a little bit bashful. It spend all the fight behind the backs of its minions and never had a chance to show its anger and true power.
Once again immobilisation and paralysation of the ability to fight worked great. If the keys and the maze weren’t such a pain we could consider making our visits to Minotot regular. But for now we’ll limit them to weekly visits, the same as for Bworker.
Anyway, during almost all dungeon runs we made recently we had from little to no use for eni’s healing power. And it’s the main argument in her rhetoric. Every time we discuss the team needs she tries to prioritise her plans and equipment alleging that her healing abilities are the key to victory. And now it’s clear that it’s not so true. Of course, they are important and help a lot. But, probably, we could do fine without them if we could increase our damage output. It’s something to think about.
I don’t think we should stop to invite eni with us, but, perhaps, it’d be better to focus on upgrading equipment in order to achieve more brute force. I’m still not so sure about it, need to talk to others.

Written by Phekla

March 5, 2010 at 11:40 PM

Moony Luck

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Yesterday we planned to go to the Minototor Maze, but it didn’t happen as cra refused to go anywhere until she took care of her dragoturkeys. After I heard this I had no doubts we were not going to visit Minotot. Cra talked to our friends and it was decided we would go to Moon instead of Minotot. No objections were raised.
When cra, eni, and sram were done with the birds we set out to the Moon Island. Moon Beach was peaceful and beautiful as always, lit with bright sunshine, washed by the crystal blue sea. Turtles strolled along the edge of the water accompanied by fussy coconuts and skittish palms.
Our friends – sadida and xelor – were already there. I admire their patience and understanding, they never say a word if we postpone some plans or find ourselves busy with something contradicting all previous agreements. I wish I could be like they. Anyway, they were on the Moon Beach waiting for us. Then someone recalled that our another friend panda hadn’t learnt yet Moon Hammer spell and we decided to take panda with us to Moon (Moon is a monkey, by the way, and it’s the only one creature in the world who can teach one Moon Hammer spell).
It appeared panda never was on the Moon Island and couldn’t use normal transportation services, but it wasn’t a huge problem as cra had helmet and wings required for the Moon Island flight ready. In 10 minutes panda arrived to the island. Bah, another problem! Panda had no turtle shells needed to pay for the passage to the Road to Moon. Unfortunately, collecting shells takes some time and must be done by the person going to visit Monkey Boss. We decided to camp on the beach and sleep a bit while panda got ready for the visit. In the morning all the team was ready to go and we left to the Deep Moon Jungle.
Our trip to the Moon’s lair wasn’t marked with something extraordinary. Instead it was a very fast and pleasant one, we even managed to dodge almost all cannibals’ ambushes. The only thing that’s worth mentioning is the capture of cannibal archmonster.

Magic Moon Fabric

Moon was waiting for us. It was bored, no one visited its house for a while and it missed the fun. Monkey was so happy we came, that gave us the whole two magic moon fabrics after the fight. Sadi and I was happy, we didn’t expect this monster to be so generous, and we really need these fabrics for our new equipment. It also promised to give us more fabrics when we come again to play.

Written by Phekla

March 2, 2010 at 8:36 PM

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New Equipment Plans

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It started with eni, who was mad she didn’t have yet her belt even it had been promised to her long ago. And all of this when she was almost ready to wear more powerful items. And, of course, she complained how outdated and out of fashion her outfit was.
Well, nothing new, nothing unusual – talks like this happen almost every time our company is going to go somewhere. But this time cra decided to listen to eni. “We are done with mastering professions and don’t have anything urgent and very important planned for the nearest future”, cra said. “And it’ll be a good chance for all of us to shake off the laziness and warm up a bit.”
She got a really good point. We did almost nothing except professions and breeding for a long time. It’ll be nice to remember how to fight. I already feel excited.
But after this decision was made debates continued anew. Everyone needed new equipment and we had to determine our priorities and the order of gathering materials. Who’d be surprised, eni was the loudest. She yelled at us that she was the essential and the most useful member of the team, so her equipment ought to be the top priority. She was right that she was important to us, but as sadida correctly pointed out sram’s need for a new set of weapons and clothing was greater than anyone’s else. Sram, indeed, has no weapon and no battle outfit and feels useless for us (and she is useless, to tell the truth). After several hours of heated argument we finally settled on our priorities. Sram’s equipment will be the first, then eni’s belt, then enu’s new equipment, and in the end some new items for cra and me.
It’s quite interesting that sadida didn’t ask for anything for her, instead of it she reassured everyone that she was fine with her current equipment and weapons and could wait longer for upgrade. Later I checked the recipes for the items she might want, and I totally understood why she was so modest. The recipes required resources that could be only obtained when all other team members are equipped properly and have nothing more important to do than hunting them.

Written by Phekla

February 24, 2010 at 11:51 PM

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New Jewellery for Eni

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Today I made a ring and an amulet for eni. I believe she is happy now as they are copy of the jewellry that one famous eni used to wear.
Ring went good. Almost all statistics are close to perfect. But amulet gave me a lot of troubles: all statistics were low and as far as I knew it was hard to mage. My friend jeweller advised me to craft a new one. So did I. The second amulet was better but still not good enough. And as I had two amulets I decided to try to mage them.
The first one didn’t want to be maged. Runes were failing one after another and it was completely ruined at the end of the maging session. But I got some luck with the second one. I was lucky not to lose important qualities even after I added unnecessary fire rune and it failed (obviously). When I finished with the amulet it was pretty nice piece of jewellery.
With these items eni’s set is almost completed.

Written by Phekla

March 12, 2009 at 4:20 AM

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