Marginal notes

Love Doesn’t Exist

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I’m married. Happily. To eni. We have no marriage problems. But do we really have a marriage?

All others: cra, sadida, panda, sram, xelor, and even old lady are married, too. To each other. The only “traditional” marriage in our company is cra and panda: female and male. Other six girls are married to each other… There is no love in our relationships, at least no romantic love as described in books and legends. Our unions are created strictly for convenience and business. Perhaps, that is the reason for them to be so strong and long-lasting.

I was married once, but I ended up with eni. He was a nice guy and I liked him a lot. From time to time we were visiting dungeons together or helping each other to acquire materials for professions and equipment. It was good time. And then one day I got divorce notice. There was no warning, no signs of our relationship’s ending. When I met my former husband he told me he got a new friend and married him to move faster around the world. It was just a matter of convenience as he explained.

Next time I got married I did it for convenience and since that time I have no desire to divorce, except rare moments when I feel longing for some romance. But then I realise that romantic love doesn’t exist in real world, it is just a fairy tale for youngsters.

Written by Phekla

May 9, 2011 at 1:47 AM

Posted in Thoughts

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