Marginal notes

Archive for April 25th, 2011

Minifoux Training

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Cra decided it was time for us to train minifouxes. We were waiting for this moment for years (literally).

Each minifoux requires at least 550 firefoux souls to be fully trained. We have eight of them, plus one which belongs to Kanni and we promised to trained — nine in total. Previously we would need to kill 550 firefouxes for each pet, but thanks to recent changes pets can share souls. Moreover, they can eat souls of the monsters killed but anyone in the group, not only their master. These changes make training of soul eaters so much easier!

Nonetheless even 550 monsters in total proved to be too much for us. Firefouxes aren’t hard or annoying, but tedious and monotonous grind required for soul eaters training is what upsets us. I know that others don’t like repetitious tasks, but to me it reminds of dragoturkeys training. And I am so tired of it!

I hope that 2-3 months will be enough to fully train all our pets without too much grind. But if cra isn’t joking more training is ahead of us — she is planning to get stings for all of us and get rid of monkeys…

Written by Phekla

April 25, 2011 at 3:35 AM

Posted in Dofus Hunts

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