Marginal notes

Archive for April 20th, 2011

Spring Cleaning

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Bonta House

We waited a bit too long for the spring cleaning — it’s mid-spring already. I guess we are getting lazy. Anyway, it’s finished with the good results: all the contents of the chests are checked and reorganised, the banks were cleaned and the fees came down from 200-250k to 20-40k per visit. Quite an accomplishment, I’d say, as all the process required relocating over 200’000 items.

Reorganising of the chests was a long awaited move: the system of organising items  by type (as in sellrooms) proved to be highly ineffective and required visits to several houses and bank in order to craft anything more complicated than one slot recipe. However, nothing has been done until recently, as moving our resources is pretty much troublesome and time consuming. We wouldn’t change anything if not for the house exchange.

Panda found out that one of our friends had a house close to the sram and xelor’s  houses: in a walking distance, no need for zaapis, close to the pet’s market and public paddocks. The place was ideal, and the house had the same number of floors and chests. Fortunately the owner of the house was kind enough to agree to the exchange. As contents of the chests are moved to the original owner’s bank upon sale the house should’ve been cleaned and chests emptied (no one wants additional 400k bank fee). It was a perfect opportunity to move our stuff.

After some thought we came to conclusion that the most sensible way to store resources is to organise them by origin, i.e., all resources from Otomai Island are in one chest (although one chest holds only 80 types of items and Otomai Island gives more resources, but this place is an exclusion), all resources from Kania Plains — in another. This way the number of visits to the houses and chests when unloading resources and collecting them for crafts is optimised. However, we preserved the old system (by resource type) for runes, potions, meats, ore, wood, and precious stones.

I can’t say how much more effective this new system, but according to the experience of  the first couple of days it requires less effort. Although new item locations should be memorised. But I think cra will just make a chests map, she is really bad in learning by heart stuff like this.

Written by Phekla

April 20, 2011 at 3:52 PM

Posted in Misc, Thoughts

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