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New Chameleon Mounts Report

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I know was keeping silence for quite some time, but it looks like I’m back, at least for now.

Markets and merchants have been checked and the table with chameleon mounts prices is updated. It looks like prices went up a little bit, but it can be a sign of inflation — other prices raised a bit, too. What worries me and at the same time makes our own future brighter is the low number of chameleons on sale. Either people stopped breeding as soon as they gained the mounts they wanted for themselves or breeding became low profitable.

Since we don’t have much time breeding is still the most profitable activity in our case. But I’m not so sure about that, cra was able to collect some money in a short time with the help of professions we have.

Anyway prices on mounts go up and the quantity of mounts on sale goes down. I guess this is good news for me and bad for the buyers.


Written by Phekla

April 15, 2011 at 11:41 PM

Posted in Breeding, Misc

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