Marginal notes

Something Unexpected

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We were sick for a couple of weeks. But everything looked pretty good:  our houses still were where they were supposed to be, birds were happy, pets were fed, and even enu had no will to grumble… until today.

We returned to our regular routine two-three days ago. Yesterday cra even managed to train about a dozen of birds and soul three archmonsters. Dragoturkeys were placed to the sheds and paddocks and we went to our beds.

Today sram went to her guild paddock and found some guildmate toying with her breeding equipment. It wasn’t nice of that person, but it was bearable enough according to sram. What really surprised her was the absence of five birds. The person who was near the paddock claimed there were only five birds when she arrived. I have no idea whether it is truth or not. Sram doesn’t know that person and can’t say anything. But she really disliked the fact that someone was touching her birds and equipment without asking.

It’s not a money issue. The missing birds aren’t very expensive or impossible to breed: a three purebred goldens (one is load bearer) and two ebony and crimson with capacities (not sure which ones, but not chameleons). These birds are cheap, so there is no much sense in stealing them… unless someone wanted to free room for breeding their own birds.

It is a very unpleasant incident. Sram even started to think about quitting that guild.

Written by Phekla

February 12, 2011 at 2:33 AM

Posted in Breeding, Misc

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