Marginal notes

The Jellith Dimension

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Royal Strawberry Jelly
Royal Lemon Jelly

I can’t say I like jelly. But I definitely like our visits to the Jellith Dimension… Royal Jellies look hilarious with their tiny crowns and funny faces. However, the main reason for my attitude are drops.  Today, for example, we found three gelanos. And we made only two runs through the colourful country.

One thing about this place is that I’ve never managed to understand how it works. Sure, I know that I’m supposed to collect pools of each colour. If I manage to collect more than 10 of one colour I will be able to fight a Royal Jelly of the same colour, if more than 10 of each colour — two Royal Jellies, if more than 15 of each colour — all four Royal Jellies.

Royal Blue Jelly
Royal Mint Jelly

I can choose what Royal Jelly to attack if I collect less than 10 pools of one of the colours — just talk and choose to attack the corresponding royal thing. And this would be really handy if I was looking for particular Magesty. However, we need to collect plenty of royal souls, so we prefer to attack as many simultaneously as possible. Unfortunately, we can’t choose which two kings (or queens?) to fight and we never managed to collect 15 pools of each colour to get a chance to fight all four of them. Well, I believe our greedy grandma can collect up to 20-25 pools thanks to her chest, but I really doubt she is able to kill all Royals and capture their souls at the same time. No matter what she says she is unable to fight effectively someone who has 70% resistance to water magic…

I still hope next time (or next after next) we will be lucky enough to fight four Royal Jellies. Last time we were there we were missing only one blue pool. Theoretically it is possible, but luck plays the major role: there are eight rooms, the biggest possible group of monsters is a group of eight, which gives 64 pools. Therefore even if we not always choose the biggest group we still can collect 15 pools for each four colours.

Anyway, experiments with pools require Multijellies, so we will be fighting regular jellies a lot. Nonetheless it’s still less than we would hunt them if cra didn’t reconsider her “brilliant” plans on obtaining vitality bonus.

And more jelly pictures:

Strawberry Jelly Lemon Jelly Blue Jelly Mint Jelly

See you soon!

Written by Phekla

January 13, 2011 at 2:37 AM

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