Marginal notes

Archive for January 5th, 2011

New Year Beginning

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The new year has started somewhat odd.

Of course, the first day we weren’t able to do anything due to the tumultuous New Year celebration. Normally sober panda seemingly decided to get rid of all the stored bwork beer (thousands and thousands tankards). Well, he failed this quest… but he did it in a loud and disturbing manner. No need to say it was an extremely wise decision to hold our little fest at eni’s place — the Coastal Village (Otomai Island) was deserted as usual.

And on the second day things started to get interesting. Cra checked the souls register and decided that Ancestral Treechnid and Royal Rainbow Blop should be captured by all means. So we went first to the treechnid forest and then to the blop dungeon. And when we were almost ready to set up camp for the night we received a message from Kanni. Kanni and Iiwar (newlyweds, by the way) were left behind by their “teammates” in the Crocabulia lair.


I wish I could say that the rescue mission was organised in a matter of minutes. But it never happens with us — we are really slow and everything always takes a lot of time. Nonetheless we managed to form a rescue team, get the keys, and arrive to the lair entrance smashing all the dreggons who had a misfortune to be on our way.  Cleaning the caverns went smoothly and without any complications. In a short time we were facing the last of dreggons led by Crocabulia itself. And here we found out that Kanni and his wife couldn’t actually contribute to the fight, they went into some strange trance and didn’t react even when they were hit by the monsters. Well, it’s not that we can’t deal with Crocabulia on our own. In fact, I think that cra and sadi could do just fine alone. But I was really concerned with Kanni and Iiwar’s condition: normally they rush into battle. Anyway, we won, old lady captured the soul and rescue mission was successfully completed.

Of course, this incident didn’t come without enu’s grumbling. For some reason she expects to find a feathered dragon egg every time we visit Crocabulia. And every time we find nothing except a few useless bones and skin torn into pieces. Yet she doesn’t give up and continues to insist that that egg is in the cave, but we just don’t search for it good enough.  Maybe she is right, but personally I know no one who has found an egg like this in  Crocabulia remains. I tend to believe it is just another legend old hug is fond of.

Written by Phekla

January 5, 2011 at 2:00 PM

Posted in Dofus Hunts

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