Marginal notes

Kwismas Is Here

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Dofus Kwismas Island Map

Kwismas Island is accessible for almost a week now and despite being busy with the preparations for the holidays we’ve managed to get there.

Unlike previous years Kwismas Island is divided into three zones inhabitant by the monsters differing in power (see map). The monsters in the green zone are relatively easy and don’t have any special abilities, or I haven’t noticed them. Yellow zone is inhabited by stronger monsters: they have more stamina, hit harder, and have some tricks in their sleeves. For example, Ice Cracklers gain mobility when get hit with fire. The red zone is the hardest area. However, they are manageable if the team can stay out of range and immobilise them. Well, immobilisation works well against almost all monsters.

Kwismas dungeons have been changed as well. If before there was one entrance for all three dungeons now all three dungeons have separate entrances. Moreover, the key is no longer needed if one has the Bunch of Keys. These dungeons have the same monsters as monsters in the respective zones. Hence it could be a good idea to fight a couple of big monster groups before attempting the dungeon run. Besides the regular monsters all three dungeons have bosses, who can summon any monster from their zone.

By completion of the first dungeon all participants learn the basics of presenting gifts. And while it’s not really needed skill it’s still fun.

And, of course, Kwismas Island is the place where one can get loads of presents. In one evening I managed to collect about 100 presents, and I was one the less luckiest. Enu was the absolute champion in our race for presents (not with the help of her chest which, I suppose, has stolen some boxes from me). We haven’t opened the boxes yet, but I really hope this year they will contain less rubbish and more useful items.

Written by Phekla

December 20, 2010 at 1:40 AM

Posted in Dofus Hunts, Strategy

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