Marginal notes

Good Ol’ Days

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Famished Sunflower

Some places in the World of Twelve bring memories of good old days. Field dungeon is one of this places.

It seems it’s been just a few days ago: cra and I are running through the field dungeon again and again because she is too lazy to go to the Bonta fields to reap rye (I think it was rye…). Field dungeon was the only place where the rye could be found near Astrub and, more important, near the farmers workshop.

The other day we were there again. We were six, panda and xelor refused to participate. They are new to our company, so they don’t share these memories of past. Petrovna was so agitated she kept forgetting about her chest, at least she managed to get the Famished Sunflower souls.

Another place full of good memories is Moo dungeon. And I think we are going to be frequent guests there: Ki and panda want Moo sets.

Written by Phekla

December 9, 2010 at 8:15 PM

Posted in Dofus Hunts, Thoughts

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