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Archive for December 2010

Kwismas Magic Numbers

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Kwismas Present

Today we found some magical numbers, which can be exchanged for the Kwismas presents:

  • Dofusian Present (fireworks and snacks)
  • Slightly Lucky Hambug (25 prospecting bonus for 10 fights)
  • Slightly Wise Hambug (25 wisdom bonus for 10 fights)

We got one present each. Nonetheless we were left with some spare sets of numbers. It’ll be a pity if they are not used. So I want to share them:


Merry Kwismas!

Written by Phekla

December 24, 2010 at 2:11 PM

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One Shouldn’t Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth?

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We unpacked the presents obtained from the Kwismas Island monsters. We had about 500 presents in total…

The only one thing that had at least some value was one great wisdom scroll. All other presents contained stuff usually regarded as rubbish: kaniger hairs and nails for example.

Now I’m thinking that there is nothing to do on Kwismas Island after obtaining the gift giving skill. I heard there is a chance to get some equipment or even dofus inside one of the Kwismas presents, but the odds are so low, that it may be faster to get the same things via regular means.

Well, dungeons and monsters are pretty fun, but they are not good enough to keep me entertained for a month. As soon as the strategies to defeat them are invented they are no longer a challenge, and presents one gets from them aren’t worth all the time and effort.

Written by Phekla

December 22, 2010 at 2:42 PM

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Kwismas Is Here

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Dofus Kwismas Island Map

Kwismas Island is accessible for almost a week now and despite being busy with the preparations for the holidays we’ve managed to get there.

Unlike previous years Kwismas Island is divided into three zones inhabitant by the monsters differing in power (see map). The monsters in the green zone are relatively easy and don’t have any special abilities, or I haven’t noticed them. Yellow zone is inhabited by stronger monsters: they have more stamina, hit harder, and have some tricks in their sleeves. For example, Ice Cracklers gain mobility when get hit with fire. The red zone is the hardest area. However, they are manageable if the team can stay out of range and immobilise them. Well, immobilisation works well against almost all monsters.

Kwismas dungeons have been changed as well. If before there was one entrance for all three dungeons now all three dungeons have separate entrances. Moreover, the key is no longer needed if one has the Bunch of Keys. These dungeons have the same monsters as monsters in the respective zones. Hence it could be a good idea to fight a couple of big monster groups before attempting the dungeon run. Besides the regular monsters all three dungeons have bosses, who can summon any monster from their zone.

By completion of the first dungeon all participants learn the basics of presenting gifts. And while it’s not really needed skill it’s still fun.

And, of course, Kwismas Island is the place where one can get loads of presents. In one evening I managed to collect about 100 presents, and I was one the less luckiest. Enu was the absolute champion in our race for presents (not with the help of her chest which, I suppose, has stolen some boxes from me). We haven’t opened the boxes yet, but I really hope this year they will contain less rubbish and more useful items.

Written by Phekla

December 20, 2010 at 1:40 AM

Posted in Dofus Hunts, Strategy

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Dragoturkeys’ Store Update: New Arrivals

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Dragoturkeys store recently received new birds. More breeds, including X generation, were added to the list. Also new chameleons and load bearers are on sale.

For the complete list of birds on sale, please, check this table.

Written by Phekla

December 17, 2010 at 4:18 AM

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We Are Aviators!

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We Are Aviators

I almost forgot about this picture. It was created the day we travelled to the Moon Island to explore the rumoured kanniballs den.

It appeared the kanniballs were absolutely unprepared to face us and we dealt with them quickly and effortlessly. It’s hard to describe our surprise when we found out that we had learned to gift flowers. Who could’ve expected that kanniballs in fact were nice and gentle somewhere deep inside.

Written by Phekla

December 16, 2010 at 1:27 PM

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Good Ol’ Days

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Famished Sunflower

Some places in the World of Twelve bring memories of good old days. Field dungeon is one of this places.

It seems it’s been just a few days ago: cra and I are running through the field dungeon again and again because she is too lazy to go to the Bonta fields to reap rye (I think it was rye…). Field dungeon was the only place where the rye could be found near Astrub and, more important, near the farmers workshop.

The other day we were there again. We were six, panda and xelor refused to participate. They are new to our company, so they don’t share these memories of past. Petrovna was so agitated she kept forgetting about her chest, at least she managed to get the Famished Sunflower souls.

Another place full of good memories is Moo dungeon. And I think we are going to be frequent guests there: Ki and panda want Moo sets.

Written by Phekla

December 9, 2010 at 8:15 PM

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Royal Bird

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Royal Tofu

As we all perfectly know tofu is the most fearsome monster in all world of Twelve. Hundreds of brave adventurers died trying to fight these creatures. Tofus wouldn’t be so hard to defeat if not for their amazing mobility and speed, only those warriors who excel in ranged combat can safely engage into struggle with the yellow birdies.

Royal Tofu is no exclusion. In fact, it is even more annoying, unpleasant, and troublesome than its subjects. Not only it is really fast and agile, it also can hit pretty hard and several people at the same time. Moreover it casts the spell that diminishes its opponents stamina. However, the throne room is not big enough for the Royal Tofu to avoid all the hits and safely kill its enemies. While being pretty painful His Majesty is not invulnerable. It can be killed one of two ways: either surrounded so it can’t run or killed by ranged fighters like cras, sadidas, and enutrofs.

Nonetheless tofus and even their sovereign aren’t the worst nightmare of Tofu House, they are nothing compared to the maze room… No, there are no scary monsters there, nor the maze itself is hard to find a way through. BUT! the room is teemed with tofus! The second you start a fight with one of them the next takes its place. And unlike other places here tofus are aggressive, so it’s quite problematic to complete the maze fast. The only more or less efficient way to do it we’ve found is starting a fight with one member of the group. While tofu is busy preparing to defend the rest of the team quickly moves ahead. Onу person should wait for the fight to end and attack new tofu, so the first person who let everyone to move further can go, too. This way there is no need to wait till tofus move, and number of fights can be minimised. However this tactics doesn’t help if someone in the group is blind or believes he or she can fly, they all end up in the holes and have to start the maze from the very beginning.

Vibrating Royal Tofu Feather

This place is cursed, but we still have to pay more visits there. First of all, Otomai has asked for Royal Tofu souls and we don’t want to disappoint him if we plan to get dofuses. Another reason for these visits is Vibrating Royal Tofu feather. This feather doesn’t look like something special, and very similar to regular Royal Tofu feather. However, it is much harder to find and only it can be used to craft some equipment sadida is looking for. So we are doomed to spend some time visiting Royal Tofu and its hospitable subjects.

The one really good thing about this place is bird meat. Yesterday we got over 600 bird legs. They cannot be considered as a source of good edible meat, but raw they sell well and should pay us nicely for the trouble. Cra and eni are also happy with the regular Royal Tofu feathers which are needed for good patters.

Written by Phekla

December 5, 2010 at 6:00 PM

Posted in Dofus Hunts, Strategy

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