Marginal notes

The Price of Pandkeen Seeds

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pandkin seed

While we were looking for the last two pandoras (yes, we finally collected all the regular monsters needed for 10 people) cra decided to collect some pandkin seeds. These seeds aren’t particularly in high demand. In fact, they are needed almost only for the memory potions which in turn are required to produce signature runes.

Normally she would wait till Terrdala village was conquered by bontarians. But since we had only 100 signature runes left and the conquest of the territories was unpopular entertainment for a very long time she decided to do it herself, even she was risking becoming a target for headhunters. Everything started just fine: she attacked the gate guards and was done with them in about 2 minutes. To her surprise she was already awaited by a headhunter. It appeared to be a sacrier, and a rude one: he attacked in full silence her the moment she finished the fight with the guards. Well, maybe he hasn’t been all that rude, if what I heard about the modern duel etiquette is true.

Anyway, cra dealt with him no different from all other duellists: she just surrendered and teleported to Brakmarian jail. She decided that his fun was nothing compared to her excitement about gathering one-two thousands of pandkeen seeds. Well, at least he got his strokens fast and painlessly.

After paying an insignificant fee cra was on her way back to Terrdala and her precious seeds. Eni seeing her first unsuccessful attempt to practice alchemist profession decided to help and arrived to the village as soon as she could. She checked the whole village but found no more headhunters. Things were back to normal.

In due time the heart of the Earth Pandala opened and cra destroyed it without any interference. No one was there to oppose her (as expected).

The final price of 1’200 pandkeen seeds was 1’000 kamas, five minutes of time wasted by headhunter, and 10 minutes of waiting for the heart to open. Not that much to pay for a rarely needed resource. But it could be so much better if all Pandala resources (rice, pandkeen seeds, bamboo, and dark bamboo) were freely available to everyone.

P.S. It appears it is possible to exchange items if the persons are separated by the village wall. Really useful discovering considering that sadi and eni, who can carry the heaviest weight, are neutral.

Written by Phekla

November 22, 2010 at 1:26 AM

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