Marginal notes

Archive for November 8th, 2010

Golden Dragoone: Quick Start Guide to Raising

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golden dragoone

Golden Dragoone is a soul-eater pet. It feeds on temple dopple souls. Theoretically it is possible to fully train a golden dragoone in 60 days, if one can kill all the dopples and doesn’t skip a day.

There are two main strategies for defeating dopples:

  • Kill them faster than they can kill you. This strategy works nicely for heavy hitters.
  • Prevent them from hitting you.

In our particular case the responsibility for training a dragoon belongs to cra and sadida. Both can’t deal incredible damage for various reasons, but they possess the abilities to immobilise dopples. Cra’s main strategy is to immobilise an opponent, push it if he or she managed to come too close, and occasionally to reduce opponent’s abilities for ranged combat. Sadida’s favourite tactics is summoning dolls to distract the opponents, to immobilise them with the soothing bramble, and running in circles. Perhaps, strategy like this requires more time, but it guarantees a sure win and highly reduced bread costs.

Even if the core strategy is the same there are some special tricks for each of 12 dopples, of course (I saw the fights almost only with the strongest dopples, so my recommendations are based on this observations and can be unreliable for weaker species).

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Written by Phekla

November 8, 2010 at 3:49 PM