Marginal notes

Archive for November 5th, 2010

More Reasons to Keep a Zoo

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Cra likes pets. In fact she likes them so much she always carry with her a small zoo. Well, small is very relative… normally she has about 100 – 150 pets. And unlike many people I know (including myself to a certain extent) she really cares about animals: she regularly feeds them, heals them if needed, and takes them for a walk. She even took all our non-souleaters, because we were keeping forgetting to feed them, and they gradually became skinny and unhealthy. Nowadays all the pets are in the best possible condition.

This zoo of hers has been a target for jokes. However we may be forced to reconsider. Pets nowadays are able to help more if they are in the areas they like. Enthusiasm of some pets is so amazing, their effectiveness increases by 300%!

And still I don’t think that pets will be able to compete with dragoturkeys seriously. Pets worth buying and keeping are either too expensive in the first place (like piwins) or very hard to raise (like koalaks requiring pretty rare drops for food, or squirrels that gain experience very slow). Dragoturkeys, even last generations, are cheap, easy and fast to train, almost do not need feeding. Some birds may also increase range or mobility, and pets have nothing to oppose these bonuses.

Below is the full list of known pets, their bonuses (not counting the effects of enhancement potions), favourite areas, and area bonus. Each entry is accompanied by a picture for easier identification of an animal.

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Written by Phekla

November 5, 2010 at 1:33 AM

Posted in Dofus Hunts, Thoughts

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