Marginal notes

Archive for October 2010

Places of Interest

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Iops' Motto

I’m not a fun of sightseeing, but some things are ought to be seen. For example, the Iops temple with the engraved motto “No fear. No brain.”.

Peeing Boy Fountain

Another remarkable place is le Petit Julien (or simply peeing boy fountain): baby iop sprinkles a small pond. I’ve never seen this fountain (or maybe I just haven’t noticed it) except on this picture. And now I really want to find it, it reminds me of another boy in another world…

Peeing Panda Fountain

A baby pandas fountain continues and even further develops the idea of children’s natural beauty. This statue can be found in Neutral Pandala near the Merchant Square. It’s worth mentioning that this architectural wonder not only adorns the main Pandala village but also provides fast access to Incarnam.

Bathing Eniripsas

Many of us already forgot Incarnam and the bathing beauties greeting all newcomers, yet, these nice ladies used to heal us. But now it may change to better: access to Incarnam has been opened for everyone recently.

Written by Phekla

October 31, 2010 at 8:34 PM

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Notes on Runes Making: Prospe Runes

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Prospe Rune

The cruel, but so far the easiest and the cheapest, way to obtain Prospe and Pa Prospe runes is to raise Baby Crowdzillas and then kill them in the crusher.

In average from one fully grown crow the output is 4.85 Pa Prospe and 12.5 Prospe runes (I raised 74 crows and got 359 Pa and 923 regular runes).


  • raising crows is virtually free: they are easy to obtain and food (bones) is cheap/free and plentiful;
  • no special requirements, like profession or fighting abilities, hence everyone can do it;
  • low competition due to the specifics of  the pet growing process.
baby crowdzilla


  • cruelty of the method;
  • the runes can’t be obtained really fast (the minimum possible time needed to fully mature a Baby Crowdzilla is 400 hours, i.e. 17 days);
  • Baby Crowdzilla is a pet, therefore requires attention and care.

Alternative to raising pets is crafting amulets, belts or headgears, all requiring materials dropped from various monsters. Doesn’t look very tempting to me.

Written by Phekla

October 29, 2010 at 12:39 PM

Posted in Professions

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Picture Archives

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I found an old picture:
Pink Gear

Gear was so embarrassed with his pink outfit. But I think he looked pretty, even cute…

And this is his recent picture:

I still think black and white outfit he used to wear looked nicer… Blue isn’t bad but… pink is so much better!

Written by Phekla

October 27, 2010 at 11:36 PM

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Prodigal Husband

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Gear is back.

Surprise? Definitely!

For how long is he going to stay this time? He claims that he will be with us at least till end of winter. Can he be trusted? Hard to say. It’s not the first coming back and, I suppose, not the last…

Nonetheless I’m glad to see him again. He used to be in the list of iops who didn’t make me die of boredom or annoy me with their stupidity. Well, it can be that I haven’t had enough experience since Gear was hard to find the last 6 months he was in Amakna.

Gear and Cra

Hmm… I don’t sound optimistic… Perhaps it’s because I’ve found out that the other day he asked cra whether they would marry again. I don’t know what she will answer if he propose, but I know for sure that old lady will be very unhappy. Cra paid divorce fee the last time and enu could’t forget it. But who pays attention to old grumblers when wedding bells and fireworks are involved?

One thing that hasn’t changed is Gear’s inability to look after the pets. And here he managed to beat even Kanni (who now gives us all his non soul eater pets): Gear gave me cats to feed the dragoones and … a couple of these cats haven’t been fed for 1’100+ days. Yes, over one thousand hundred days! Poor kittens, they are skinny and very unhappy…

Written by Phekla

October 27, 2010 at 11:26 PM

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New Warrior Types?

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There is a rumour that two new types of warriors are going to appear soon.

The first of two is a thief or rogue kind relying on various bombs and “pistols” (I have no idea what pistols are…). The effects of bombs and pistols can increase each other and sometimes it’ll be possible to start a chain reaction. The oracles claim that this new type of fighters rely heavily on strategy and are masters of predicting the opponents moves. But somehow this new fighting style reminds me srams. I wonder if it’s really that needed…


When I heard about the second fighting style I remembered pandas with their two main states — sober and drunk. Masqueraiders, as these warriors are called, can switch between at least three states: coward (good ranged attacks, inability to fight in close combat), psychotic (berserk state resulting in high damage in close combat and inability to distinguish between friends and foes), and “normal” (there is no way someone so unstable can be called normal!), each of them is associated with a certain mask. Depending on the mask in use the fighter may use only certain battle techniques. Masks also give some bonuses and penalties to the wearer.

Quite interesting that unlike all other fighting styles the new ones don’t have patronising gods. And it makes me wonder who has invented them? It was said that their power came from bombs and masks. However it wasn’t explained how mere humans managed to create such powerful objects. It just doesn’t sounds right.

Another concern is the balance between the fighters of different styles. At the moment the correlation of them is far from ideal, and people do not stop complaining. Two new powerful styles may cause a riot or at least a new wave of complaints and insults towards Gods. But let’s hope for the best.

Written by Phekla

October 19, 2010 at 12:39 AM

Posted in Misc, Thoughts

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Lucky Brood

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DT Eggs

Despite our inability to tend to birds for almost a week the damage was relatively insignificant: only about 15 eggs didn’t hatch. We were expecting heavier losses, but we were lucky.

Amusingly we didn’t run out of luck when almost all chickens hatched and got two absolutely new chameleon breeds: almond (male and female chickens!) and ivory and ebony (only one chicken, but half purebred). Moreover with this brood the purifying of three breeds had been finished as well.

This is a huge progress. However, it’s still not enough to open fully functional chameleon pre-order business. But we’ll be there one day, no doubts!

Written by Phekla

October 16, 2010 at 7:06 PM

Posted in Breeding

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