Marginal notes

Mage or Not to Mage

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Xelor is going to use Axel for quite some time as this weapon increases her ability to act. But she is also a hunter and wants to have a hunting weapon.

We consulted with a master shovel smith, and she said it was possible to make Axel a hunting weapon. However, it could be risky and expensive. Right now xelor’s shovel is maged to almost perfect condition, therefore its capacity is almost used and no one is sure if it will accept a hunting rune without losing current bonuses. On the other hand the power of the modern hunting runes is lower than it used to be — sram managed to mage her new daggers to almost perfect condition even after making them a hunting weapon.

I think the most reasonable will be forging one more Axel and try a hunting rune on it. If something goes wrong xelor still will have her good shovel.

Or maybe we should Axel maging idea altogether and wait till xelor is capable of wielding a metal hammer. This hammer is so much easier to mage. But I’m not sure she is going to switch to it: the damage is much higher, but she will lose the ability to cast that additional Slow Down spell she is so fond of…

Written by Phekla

September 12, 2010 at 8:51 AM

Posted in Thoughts

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