Marginal notes


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In his book “Dragoturkey: How to Breed your Mount” Oshar Marif writes:

They [dragoturkeys] usually aren’t very bright. But beware! They’re not as stupid as Iop! [emphasis is mine] They can live in groups, help and protect each other. And they can even think before acting which makes them more intelligent than most modern-day adventurers.

In the N’s Memoirs we can find these words:

The Gods exist, I am in their kingdom: the World of the Twelve gods! They have many disciples – not always all that clever though. Brutes with swords that call themselves Iops. [emphasis is mine] The long-haired ones, the Sadidas. The dwarves whose eyes light up when they see gold, the Enutrofs.

I used to doubt the objectiveness of these and alike words. After all Ki is far from stupid, in fact, he is a kind of genius (hidden, though). And cra’s second husband, even being an iop, was quite promising. Of course, he wasn’t smart enough to keep her from divorce, but he was no idiot. Nonetheless, the overwhelming majority of all other iops I’ve ever known fit all the descriptions just perfect. Moreover some of them not only lack intelligence but also think that others have the same deficiency.

The other day one iop unhappy with my personal diary and opinions expressed in it approached me. He is one of those brutes who have no idea about basic politeness and start directly with expressions of their unhappiness. It’s not like I totally can’t stand this style of communication. In fact, it has its own charm: you never feel being caught in the morass of words. Well, back to our iops.

He is not a complete idiot, really. He dodged all inconvenient questions I managed to ask, and he prevented me from asking some more questions switching the topic to the paddocks issue he had had with cra. Every cloud has a silver lining, people say. And true, the iop brought his apologies for being rude and not precise in the story with paddocks. But he had learned nothing.

I tried really hard to persuade myself to believe the tale I was told by iop. But I failed. Not all said was untrue, I believe many things were absolute truth. However, he was extremely elusive. And yes, he lied into my face. And did it poorly. No imagination at all. Why people can’t be more creative?

Written by Phekla

August 19, 2010 at 8:57 PM

Posted in Thoughts

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