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Girls Are Back in Town

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Full Team

After a six weeks of extreme laziness we are back to business!

However it would be a lie to say that we did nothing. In fact, cra, eni, and sram managed to breed 1 more type of chameleon mounts (and it makes 23 breeds — ⅓ of all possible). They also were very successful in purifying lines, both for chameleons and regular mounts.

Our new hunters (panda and xelor) are almost ready for the up-coming scaraleaves hunt: the meat for their professional training is already gathered and only waits to be processed.

P.S. I’m looking at these pictures… we look like we are wearing uniforms. But these uniforms aren’t that bad!

Written by Phekla

August 5, 2010 at 3:33 PM

Posted in Breeding, Misc, Professions

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