Marginal notes

Archive for July 19th, 2010

We Are Bounty Hunters!

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The other day we were paying visit to the militia on Frigost. And we found an interesting room there! It was full of pictures and promises of rewards.

We had some time, so we decided to hunt some mastogobs and see if we can find a brown rowdy. To our surprise he was waiting us near the town walls, and not alone. Oh, I’m not talking about 7 of his twins hiding nearby, we couldn’t see them until we defeated their leader. He convinced several mastogobs to help with the fight. They fought fiercely, but we overcame and outnumbered. I even feel pity to them, it wasn’t their fault their brown relatives were criminals.

Anyway, the brown thing (I failed to remember his name, as I often do with names) proved to be a serious opponent. He possessed enough stamina to last against 8 of us long enough to summon mastogob warrior. Of course, it couldn’t kill us, but definitely added a few unpleasant moments. I don’t know what he can do in melee combat as cra and sadida immobilised he almost immediately. I never understood why they were doing it, but they really preferred ranged combat, and none of my and sram’s  complaints could change their tactics.

Well, in 5-10 minutes we were done. How we were surprised when discovered that there were 8 brown mastogobs. As I mentioned before 7 of them were hiding nearby and  surrendered the moment they saw the fight was over. Cowards! Although, it was for the good of our finances. The jailer in militia was kind to offer us 200’000 or 230’000 kamas for each of them. I’d say it’s not that bad to earn almost 2 millions in a matter of minutes.

Since that day old lady wants all of us to become bounty hunters. She says  it’s fun and easy way to increase our wealth. And she doesn’t tolerate the idea that we may be less lucky next time. She almost forgot how much time it took us to be done with the bounties in Astrub. And I think she still hasn’t caught a squirrel. But I’d better drop this issue, enu is old and because of it she is sometimes totally unreasonable, especially when money is involved.

Cra made a picture of our company and a flock of brown mastogobs we acquired. I think I look pretty nice. However, eni looks somehow better, and of course sram and sadida couldn’t miss a chance to show their… hmm… charms off.

Mastogob flock

Written by Phekla

July 19, 2010 at 5:36 PM

Posted in Dofus Hunts, Strategy

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