Marginal notes

Why Did We Get No New Paddocks?

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The other day cra was contacted by someone who called himself GOD (not in Common language, but in cra’s mother tongue). He offered her to buy his paddocks and some chameleon chickens. Despite her need in paddocks and her desire to extend breeding she refused. However, I’m inclined to believe her story and I do not blame her for not making a deal.

First of all the offered price for paddocks was too high – 8.5 mk per slot – and paddocks themselves were small. And while that self-proclaimed god tried to persuade her that he was “just trying to get rid of the small and inconvenient paddocks” it was obvious he was trying to make profit. The further discussion left no doubt – that person was obsessed with money. But this part of the discussions was pretty much civilised and polite.

Later on cra was offered to buy chameleon chickens. Although before this offer was made she had been reminded about her refusal to sell chameleon chickens, and it had been done in quite insulting form. Anyway, she was offered mounts with the “splendid” pedigree. It sounded intriguing, so she asked what splendid was supposed to mean. She was told that it meant that chickens had 70% ancestors from X the generation. Well, no matter how it sounds offers like this are uninteresting for us as birds like this do not get us closer to the goal, moreover they set us back as we are working on purifying. Hence cra told that the offer wasn’t  all that interesting, she even went through the trouble of polite explanation of the reasons. Mr. God became irritated, he even declared cra was stupid and obviously lacking any understanding of the breeding idea. No surprise cra decided not to deal with that person…

There was one more funny moment. The deity asked how much we can earn in a week period, cra answered honestly. He didn’t believe and claimed she was exaggerating (at least 4 times) because he had the team of 8, as we had, but these 8 were more experienced warriors. Cra had no words to parry it. Neither have I. What battle experience has to do with money making? If we are talking about real money it’s not possible to work on increasing one’s wealth and battle experience at the same time…

Written by Phekla

July 16, 2010 at 4:24 PM

Posted in Misc, Thoughts

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