Marginal notes

Archive for July 1st, 2010

Seeking for Explosives

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Gourlo's Explosive Powder

Who could think that explosives can be used in craft of the shoes? Despite all the logic ten measures of Gourlo’s Explosive Powder are needed for each pair of Pierced Boots, and we want at least two pairs (one for me and one for eni). We managed to collect 10 measures during the Dungeon Race, but we need 10 more, which means more fights with Gourlo the Fearsome, and he is very stingy when it comes to the explosives. Not to be unjust to this brave captain I have to say that he generously treat guests with rum, each time he has an opportunity he offers them a barrel.


In our previous visits Gourlo tried to avoid contact with barrels, but if we could somehow immobilise him near one of them he would become weaker, I guess he just didn’t know where to stop when drinking. Nowadays he is affected by barrels only if he shares them with someone. And this someone should be real, he refuses to see summons as appropriate company. So, these days we always have to have someone drinking with Gourlo and sometimes it ends with both of them being dead, although, with a team like ours it’s not crucial.

I think in a couple of days we’ll be back to the pirate’s boat. It’s always nice to talk to an old friend, and captain is one of them.

Written by Phekla

July 1, 2010 at 12:57 PM