Marginal notes

Archive for July 2010

No Means No. One Way or Another.

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— Hey, I need something maged.

— Sorry Sir, but maging services are closed.

— But I need my stuff maged and there is no other mage available.

— Sorry, but I can’t help you. We do not mage anymore.

— What do you think about yourself? I’m going to pay 5’000 kamas and you refuse to mage?! Bitch!

— Sorry for the inconvenience. Have a nice day.

*ignores further words*

This was my normal conversation with customers until recently when we decided to change the tactics. But before I tell about our new method to reject maging requests just a few words why we decided to close maging services.

Some time ago maging changed drastically. Everything can be repaired or improved, but at high runes and time costs. Where earlier one had to rely on luck, now time, patience, and tight-filled wallet will be of more use. However, the prices on maging and customers’ attitudes stayed the same. We are busy people, so cra decided there would be no maging services. It was the first time her decision was adopted unanimously. What we failed to foresee was the reaction of customers — sometimes neutral, but more often very negative and accompanied with insults.

And finally we found a method that worked perfectly. High fees — simple yet almost 100% reliable solution of the problem.

Nowadays I ask customers requesting maging whether they are familiar with the maging fees. Then I advise them of 100’000 kamas immutable fee for the first 30 minutes of the maging session and additional 75’000 kamas payment for each additional half an hour. Not all people react politely, but the majority of them just go look for another mage. And if they agree to pay this money we will be glad to provide service!

Written by Phekla

July 22, 2010 at 1:23 PM

Posted in Professions

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Chameleon Mounts: Prices Go Down

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Pet Market

I updated my table of prices on chameleons. Prices went down a bit, but I expect further decrease. The reason is simple: chameleons are sold in Bonta, and many birds are breedable. Hence more people will breed them, however, all who are looking for profit will be breeding emerald and plum stripes and will ignore other colours. Probably, it’s not that bad for our business as we are working on wider spectrum of breeds.

Actually, I do not understand what makes people ruin their own business. The person who cra talked to the other day claimed he wasn’t afraid of competition, but later on he mentioned that he foresaw 80% drop in prices on chameleon mounts. At the same time he confessed that breeding was his main source of income. But if prices drop by 80% breeding will be less profitable and he will lose his source of high income. Then what drives him and others like him? An immediate high profit? Shortsightedness? I really do not understand. Why saw the branch one is sitting on?

In any case our breeding goal will stay intact. We are still aiming to breed and purify all possible chameleons. And we are closer to this goal with each day. Recently cra got another emerald stripe chameleon, and other girls are pretty successful in reproduction of chameleons they have. The only problem at the moment is out lack of time, and with Kanni being absent I can’t ask anyone to help me with the dragoturkeys’ training. However, in 3 weeks we should have more free time and breeding will be back to normal pace.

Written by Phekla

July 20, 2010 at 10:46 AM

Posted in Breeding, Thoughts

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We Are Bounty Hunters!

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The other day we were paying visit to the militia on Frigost. And we found an interesting room there! It was full of pictures and promises of rewards.

We had some time, so we decided to hunt some mastogobs and see if we can find a brown rowdy. To our surprise he was waiting us near the town walls, and not alone. Oh, I’m not talking about 7 of his twins hiding nearby, we couldn’t see them until we defeated their leader. He convinced several mastogobs to help with the fight. They fought fiercely, but we overcame and outnumbered. I even feel pity to them, it wasn’t their fault their brown relatives were criminals.

Anyway, the brown thing (I failed to remember his name, as I often do with names) proved to be a serious opponent. He possessed enough stamina to last against 8 of us long enough to summon mastogob warrior. Of course, it couldn’t kill us, but definitely added a few unpleasant moments. I don’t know what he can do in melee combat as cra and sadida immobilised he almost immediately. I never understood why they were doing it, but they really preferred ranged combat, and none of my and sram’s  complaints could change their tactics.

Well, in 5-10 minutes we were done. How we were surprised when discovered that there were 8 brown mastogobs. As I mentioned before 7 of them were hiding nearby and  surrendered the moment they saw the fight was over. Cowards! Although, it was for the good of our finances. The jailer in militia was kind to offer us 200’000 or 230’000 kamas for each of them. I’d say it’s not that bad to earn almost 2 millions in a matter of minutes.

Since that day old lady wants all of us to become bounty hunters. She says  it’s fun and easy way to increase our wealth. And she doesn’t tolerate the idea that we may be less lucky next time. She almost forgot how much time it took us to be done with the bounties in Astrub. And I think she still hasn’t caught a squirrel. But I’d better drop this issue, enu is old and because of it she is sometimes totally unreasonable, especially when money is involved.

Cra made a picture of our company and a flock of brown mastogobs we acquired. I think I look pretty nice. However, eni looks somehow better, and of course sram and sadida couldn’t miss a chance to show their… hmm… charms off.

Mastogob flock

Written by Phekla

July 19, 2010 at 5:36 PM

Posted in Dofus Hunts, Strategy

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Why Did We Get No New Paddocks?

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The other day cra was contacted by someone who called himself GOD (not in Common language, but in cra’s mother tongue). He offered her to buy his paddocks and some chameleon chickens. Despite her need in paddocks and her desire to extend breeding she refused. However, I’m inclined to believe her story and I do not blame her for not making a deal.

First of all the offered price for paddocks was too high – 8.5 mk per slot – and paddocks themselves were small. And while that self-proclaimed god tried to persuade her that he was “just trying to get rid of the small and inconvenient paddocks” it was obvious he was trying to make profit. The further discussion left no doubt – that person was obsessed with money. But this part of the discussions was pretty much civilised and polite.

Later on cra was offered to buy chameleon chickens. Although before this offer was made she had been reminded about her refusal to sell chameleon chickens, and it had been done in quite insulting form. Anyway, she was offered mounts with the “splendid” pedigree. It sounded intriguing, so she asked what splendid was supposed to mean. She was told that it meant that chickens had 70% ancestors from X the generation. Well, no matter how it sounds offers like this are uninteresting for us as birds like this do not get us closer to the goal, moreover they set us back as we are working on purifying. Hence cra told that the offer wasn’t  all that interesting, she even went through the trouble of polite explanation of the reasons. Mr. God became irritated, he even declared cra was stupid and obviously lacking any understanding of the breeding idea. No surprise cra decided not to deal with that person…

There was one more funny moment. The deity asked how much we can earn in a week period, cra answered honestly. He didn’t believe and claimed she was exaggerating (at least 4 times) because he had the team of 8, as we had, but these 8 were more experienced warriors. Cra had no words to parry it. Neither have I. What battle experience has to do with money making? If we are talking about real money it’s not possible to work on increasing one’s wealth and battle experience at the same time…

Written by Phekla

July 16, 2010 at 4:24 PM

Posted in Misc, Thoughts

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Rabbits Hunt

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Finally we are here. All kinds of rabbits — big and small, black and white, and even brown, young and old — surround us. Some of them are so cute I don’t want to hunt them, but I have no other choice — xelor and panda need to master hunter profession. Sram isn’t a master hunter yet, however, she decided to donate her meat to our less experienced friends. One can be surprised seeing such a sacrifice and knowing her reluctance to  share anything, even the most useless things. But there is a reason for such an unusual behaviour — she wants enhancement potions for her pets, and one of their ingredients is scaraleaf flash. She knows that now xelor and panda can’t help her with this meat, so she counts on their willingness to help her if she helps them how. What a calculating, self-seeking person is she! Well, every cloud has a silver lining, and thanks to sram’s selfishness panda and xelor can progress in their profession faster.


Written by Phekla

July 11, 2010 at 12:01 PM

Seeking for Explosives

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Gourlo's Explosive Powder

Who could think that explosives can be used in craft of the shoes? Despite all the logic ten measures of Gourlo’s Explosive Powder are needed for each pair of Pierced Boots, and we want at least two pairs (one for me and one for eni). We managed to collect 10 measures during the Dungeon Race, but we need 10 more, which means more fights with Gourlo the Fearsome, and he is very stingy when it comes to the explosives. Not to be unjust to this brave captain I have to say that he generously treat guests with rum, each time he has an opportunity he offers them a barrel.


In our previous visits Gourlo tried to avoid contact with barrels, but if we could somehow immobilise him near one of them he would become weaker, I guess he just didn’t know where to stop when drinking. Nowadays he is affected by barrels only if he shares them with someone. And this someone should be real, he refuses to see summons as appropriate company. So, these days we always have to have someone drinking with Gourlo and sometimes it ends with both of them being dead, although, with a team like ours it’s not crucial.

I think in a couple of days we’ll be back to the pirate’s boat. It’s always nice to talk to an old friend, and captain is one of them.

Written by Phekla

July 1, 2010 at 12:57 PM