Marginal notes

Archive for June 29th, 2010

Madness Is Over

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I’m so tired, I haven’t slept normally for three days. And why? Just because cra decided that we were participating in the Dungeon Race. Of course, she did it in the last second and we had no time to prepare. She even convinced Ki and Kanni to take part in this madness.

I am not sure we have a chance to win. We couldn’t do much in 2 days especially when the world had changed so much. I think that monsters also feel a bit uncomfortable as they behave differently from what we used to. Nonetheless we managed to win 8 times against Kimbo, 21 times against Gourlo the Fearsome, and 17 or so times against Great Coralator, not bad if consider we had almost no souls in reserve.

As I said the world had changed, and I don’t mean that the communication with Frigost was reestablished. Changes go much further, and in fact Frigost became available after this change, and I suppose it was needed for the island to be accessible. Some changes are good, Soft Oak dungeon, for example, doesn’t have maze and transformation rooms anymore. But some changes are not so plausible, switching of the Kimbo’s behavioural patterns is one of them.

Kimbo used to summon his disciple in the beginning of the fight, and in its turn disciple was casting a glyph web every time we hit Kimbo. Nowadays it doesn’t work like this. Kimbo can skip one turn and summon his apprentice the next turn, or it can do it 30-40 minutes later. We failed to find out what caused the delay. Kimbo’s disciple is no better than its master. Several times it didn’t cast the web. To tell the truth once it saved us as we were unprepared and could all die on glyphs, but in all other cases it just prolongs already tedious fight.

Kimbo's disciple

Another ruined pattern is Kimbo’s habit to push and hit enemies when they surround it. Now he uses teleportation and then runs away. Therefore it’s not possible to lock it as we used to do. The battle field changed also and not in favour of locking strategy. By trials and errors we found more or less acceptable strategy. We wait when Kimbo runs away, assume formation to avoid death from glyph,  immobilise Kimbo (cra and two sadis can keep it from moving forever)  and then just kill it. Important part of this strategy is constant control over the disciple, probably, enis are the best for this task. Of course, if there is no one to control the summon it is still possible to win with the similar strategy, but it’s absolutely necessary to watch for disciple’s actions and change formation accordingly.

I guess other monsters also have changed, yet I had no time to check. Now, when the event is finished, we can start to rediscover the World of Twelve.

Written by Phekla

June 29, 2010 at 12:44 AM

Posted in Dofus Hunts, Strategy

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