Marginal notes

First Reports from Frigost

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Frigost gobbals

Frigost gobbals

Frigost gobbals

First rumours about the frozen island, Frigost, appeared a couple of years ago, but for a long time no somewhat reliable information was available. And several days ago it happened, the communication with Frigost was established (or reestablished according to the inhabitants of the island). Unfortunately at the moment only the luckiest and the most special people can take a trip to this faraway land. However, cra was among these people and she brought back not only stories but also some pictures.

Boat arrives to the city which has almost everything Bonta and Brakmar have but zaapis. Cra was so upset with the lack of transport, she couldn’t stop to complain about her hurt legs, she even called the citizens barbarians. Well, I guess, she got a point (of course, if all her stories were true). She talked to mayor and he suggested to pay visits to the most respectable people of the town, she couldn’t reject an opportunity to get to know more about the new land and wended her way across the town. It took her quite some time to find everyone in the mayors list, even he was kind enough to point there locations on the map, not to mention cra is not accustomed to walking through snow. But all’s well that ends well, she managed to find everyone.

After a brief look at the city (disappointed as she found no paddocks inside the walls) cra went to explore the suburbs. To her surpise she found there distant relatives of our gobbals, she was so impressed she made the pictures of them. Then she decided to fight them and attacked the big group, and it was a grave mistake. Our gobbals are no match for their relatives from the frozen country. I assume that the life is do hard there that fluffy creatures had to develop some impressive skills in order to survive. According to cra they can heal, accelerate and increase their damage potential, and all of this on top of the pretty strong attacks. For the next attempt cra chose a smaller group and won, but during the investigation of the bodies she found out that they spread the disease. Natives are afraid of it and refuse to talk if notice any symptoms, the only exclusion is a doctor, but it’s his duty to help sick. Cra managed to survived the disease, but she was touched by the doctor’s kindness and offered him her help in looking for cure.

But, of course, no matter how determined is she to help others there is one thing that interests her more — paddocks!  And she found them not far from the city. Eighteen new paddocks (it seems dragoturkeys didn’t survive the cold and paddocks stay unused) can accommodate from 8 to 19 mounts. I can’t say that these new paddocks will provide every breeder with a breeding space, but it is definitely better than nothing. Sure thing, cra is upset but I don’t share her feelings.

Cra is going to take another trip to the island soon. I heard they have strange creatures there called penguins.  Cra promised to check this rumour and bring their pictures if they really exist.

Written by Phekla

June 22, 2010 at 12:54 AM

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