Marginal notes

Notes on Gelano Maging

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Probably, one of the most wanted items in the World of Twelve is AP/MP Gelano. Of course, it is possible to create much more powerful items, but it’s very-very time and money consuming thus discouraging for many. And Gelano is relatively cheap and easy to aquire. However, one needs some patience and knowledge to make it.

Patience is a virtue when it comes to any maging, but when we are talking about creating very powerful items with the characteristics unnatural for them patience is more than just a virtue, it is one of the most important and prerequisite qualities for the success. Maging is more or less like gambling, not the casual gambling where you rely only on luck, but its professional version  where knowledge of mathematics and psychology is the key to the win. One loss doesn’t mean a forfeit, in many situations it’s the first step to the victory, but one should be patient to get there.

Knowledge is the second ingredient needed for successful maging. Probably, one day I will write an introduction to maging, but today I will limit myself to the things needed to create AP/MP Gelano (or in fact any Gelano with the unnatural characteristics).

First of all, it will be wise to get ready for the maging session beforehand. All runes should be made or bought prior to it with the exclusion of the most expensive and the least used runes (in this case Ga Pa) as usually they can be bought when they are needed. Also it is better to schedule a maging attempt for the most calm time to reduce interference and disturbance by others.

Ok, what runes are needed? At least 60 Ga Pme (better 100 to be on a safe side), 1 Ga Pa, and about 100 small power runes (Vi, Cha, Ine, Age, etc.).

After all runes are collected it is time to proceed to maging itself. The described method includes three steps and for now is considered as the best of all. It also assumes that a regular Gelano with the intact AP will be used, blank Gelano or Gelano without AP but with some unnatural characteristics can’t be used.

The first step is the creation of the sink.

Sink is a temporarily added power that appears when the powerful characteristic is lost. Sinks significantly facilitate the maging as they absorb failures and create additional room for unnatural characteristics. So, this step is essential for decreasing the number of needed runes and increasing the overall chances for success. It’s important to keep in mind that sinks are only temporary and will disappear when the item is traded or put on sale. It’s also not known whether the sinks stay intact between the maging sessions, so for the best results it would be better to do all the maging in one go.

How to create a sink? It’s really very easy: Gelano should be maged with the runes of small power till AP is gone. When AP is no longer on the ring, the sink is created.

The second step is maging MP to the ring.

This step is very straightforward, no secrets, no tips and tricks, just add MP runes till MP lands on Gelano. It is better to use runes one at a time and don’t use mass-maging option.

The last step is maging AP back.

Probably, the most exciting moment of the whole maging session is this step. I always hold my breath and cross fingers when I see Drelas (I specialise in theory and she is a practician) performing this last act.

The chance that AP will land without loss of MP is about 1/2 or even higher if all the previous steps were followed, but there is also a chance that AP will replace MP or it will fail and we’ll be left with the blank Gelano. If AP replaced MP sink is gone and all the steps should be repeated anew. If MP stayed intact but AP didn’t land only third step should be repeated. In case both MP and AP were gone there is no other choice but to rely on luck and try to add MP then AP.

For all other unnatural characteristics the procedure is the same but instead of MP runes should be used runes of the highest power for the desired characteristic, i.e. for strength should be used Ra Fo, for critical hits bonus –  Cri, for range – Po, for prospecting – Pa Prospe.

Written by Phekla

June 15, 2010 at 1:22 PM

Posted in Professions

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3 Responses

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  1. Thanks very much for this explanation. I’ve never really understood the power sink concept until you’re description.

    Jim Sweet

    January 21, 2011 at 10:01 AM

  2. Whats your success rate with using Gelanos with no sink?
    I have maged two without dropping an AP however I would like to know your experience.

    Armon Raphiel

    March 14, 2011 at 5:41 PM

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