Marginal notes

Archive for June 14th, 2010

Rabbits, Rabbits, and More Rabbits

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Wo Wabbit

We decided to spend one day in the forests of Amakna and hunt gobbals there. The weather was nice and company was great. It felt more like a picnic than a regular grind. 1257 gobbal legs and 2 archmonster souls, I’d say it’s not bad for a pleasant weekend picnic… Although cooking these legs took quite some time, additional ingredients always are a pain as we can’t buy as much as we need in one time. But it’s done and we are ready to move to the next stage.

Rabbits, rabbits, and more rabbits, and then even a little bit more rabbits. Actually, it’s far from how it sounds. Rabbits are, probably, the best creatures to fight for the hunter. They are easy to kill, their island abounds with calm corners, where anyone who has spells or weapons capable of affecting several monsters in one time can collect hundreds of meat in short time, not to mention carrots making a nice extra bonus.

Old rabbits (also known as Rabbit Grandpas), of course, are troublemakers. They won’t sit and wait till they are killed, and they have some rudimental shamanic abilities and can scare to death not so experienced warriors. But someone who has to deal with our old lady on a daily basis can’t be scared with rabbits even if they have beards and staves!

The only rabbits that should be avoided are undead rabbits. They can be killed, and they are weak to water (and highly resistant to all other elements), but they are completely useless for hunter as their bodies are made of bones and nothing else. They also do not carry any valuable possessions, so one shouldn’t hope for a reward for the wasted time. My main rule is “Leave bony creatures alone!” and if it’s not possible (they have hot temper and very aggressive) I deal with them as fast as possible.

It’s almost time for a trip to the rabbits island. I should hurry, boat won’t wait for me.

Written by Phekla

June 14, 2010 at 1:44 PM