Marginal notes

Money, Money, Money…

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It seems money is the only thing cra cares about nowadays. She made 50’000’000 kamas in two weeks. Someone may say that’s a lot, but I would say she could do much better especially  knowing her dirty tricks like selling others set pieces or scrolls. And she did exactly it! She sold my new cape and hat.

To be absolutely honest cra wasn’t the first who came up with this idea, the authorship belongs to Drelas who was responsible for crafting and maging my stuff. She was disappointed with the result and advised cra to sell these items and make new ones. Of course, cra couldn’t reject that very tempting suggestion and she placed the items in sellrooms without any word to me. When I got to know about it (from enu, by the way) my items were sold. I was so upset I couldn’t find words to express my feelings. Seeing my reaction cra assumed I was fine with her actions…

On the bright side free cash is what we needed. Cra is planning to buy three more paddocks and new houses and our usual tactics – barter – doesn’t work anymore. Nowadays everyone wants to be paid in specie.

Written by Phekla

June 7, 2010 at 10:15 PM

Posted in Misc

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