Marginal notes

Where Has All the Time Gone?

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Six hours! SIX!

They spent all that time fussing over the stupid birds. And it’s not the first time, and not the last…

Some people say that a paddock makes you instantly rich. It’s a lie, a big lie! We have 5 paddocks of our own plus 2 more paddocks that our friends gave us access to. And what? Do we take bath of gold? Or maybe we can buy whatever we want? No way! Paddocks eat all our time. Every one in our team in one or another way is involved into breeding.

When this insanity started cra promised me a chameleon dragoturkey. Almost a year passed and I haven’t  seen promised mount, but I have to train more and more birds.

It would be fine with me if breeding didn’t interfere with other activities, but it does. I need materials for my new clothing (and I’m not alone in this), but because of the birds who constantly need attention we don’t have time for gathering materials. In fact we have time for nothing except stupid creatures. And they can’t even fly.

Well, thanks to breeding we have a lot of scrolls, and also some income. But I bet we could do much better if we used professions to make money…

But all this whining is pointless. They won’t listen to me. And they will never stop neglecting their duties…. I’d better be back to training ugly things…


Written by Phekla

May 24, 2010 at 11:07 PM

Posted in Breeding, Misc

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