Marginal notes

Archive for May 21st, 2010

How to Keep Sanity

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Recently I was thinking how  to keep sanity and not to burn out with all the repetitive monotonous activity needed to achieve my goals. And I came up with this list of rules:

  • Set multiple goals and switch between them
      This prevents “burning out”, and also makes life more interesting due to the change of activities. Also switching from my task to another may provide some relaxation and rest for both mind and body.
      The shortcoming of this point is slower progress in each of the activities.
  • Take breaks whenever it’s needed, but make them reasonable.
      Breaks are needed, and pushing oneself to the limit makes no good. In my experience full focus on one task and attempts not to stop till it’s completed lead to the depression and apathy when the goal is achieved.
      Too long breaks are no good as well as they ruin the established routine, not to mention that the changes in the world can be so drastic that it’ll be hard to catch up.
  • Don’t split up tasks into too small steps
      If one has too many steps to complete he/she can be overwhelmed with them. So, while splitting difficult tasks into smaller is needed, it should be taken under the control.
  • Focus on one thing at the time
      While several goals can be achieved when doing something, it’s still better to focus on one thing and put aside everything else.
      Although, it doesn’t mean that you should get rid of all the by-products if you need them later.
  • Make friends and spend some time with them
      Even grinding can be much more fun if you do it with friends.
  • Don’t try to catch up with everything and everyone. Live in your own rhythm.
      Probably, this is the worst mistake people do, they try to be on par with other people disregarding the differences in situations and personal capabilities.

Of course, it’s not the full list, and It’s not like I always follow all these rules myself, but even using one or two of them on constant basis makes life easier and less insane.


Written by Phekla

May 21, 2010 at 11:28 AM

Posted in Thoughts

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