Marginal notes

Runes Shortage

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Ga Pa Rune

We managed to obtain over one million runes while mastering professions, but inevitable have come – we are short on runes.

Cra, sadi, eni, enu, and I are reviewing recipes to make a list of crafts that can be used to create runes and at the same time won’t require expensive or hard to get materials. But here is the problem, good for runes production recipes include rare ingredients. So, after making a list of somehow acceptable recipes we’ll have to check how they work on practice.

Another problem is that the rates for runes like Ga Pa and Ga Pme are unknown, which means that we’ll have to do all the testing ourselves.

On the bright side rates for Ra runes are known pretty well, we just need to find recipes suitable for mass craft. And half of the work is done already.


Written by Phekla

May 16, 2010 at 9:22 PM

Posted in Professions

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