Marginal notes

Mrs. Grumbler is Happy! Finally…

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She is finally happy, our old lady!

Today (one day later than we planned, unfortunately) we presented her the scrolls. We were lucky, she didn’t know about our preparations. Or maybe she was polite and didn’t show she knew all our plans beforehand. However, she was really touched and even cried a little bit.

I know, I often say bad things about old lady, but I still love her. And today I was happy to see her smiling and behaving like a child who was given a new toy. I also was impressed with her kindness and care about all of us. When we gave her scrolls of fire, earth, and wind magic she asked whether we have enough of them for others. It took cra and me quite some time to convince her of no need to worry, cra even had to demonstrate her abilities to wield different kinds of magic. But at the end enu accepted scrolls and studied them carefully.

It was really a very happy day.

Written by Phekla

May 10, 2010 at 12:48 AM

Posted in Misc

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