Marginal notes

Hunt or not to Hunt?

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Turquoise Dofus

Obtaining all the precious eggs is the ultimate goal of any follower of the World of Twelve Gods. Of course, it’s not the goal of any living being in our world. In fact, it’s not the main goal for the majority of the people I know. Probably, they don’t believe in Gods, or they don’t think that Gods have the right to give them a goal. Whatever…

I’m not sure I’ll be happy to have all the dofuses myself. But I’m sure some of my teammates would be happy to lay their hands on at least one real dofus. And the question is what strategy will be the best to obtains these eggs.

There are only two ways to obtain them legally (excluding inheriting one from kind and prematurely died uncle): to hunt the keepers of the dragon eggs or to buy them from the lucky hunters.  For quite some time I thought that hunting may bring results faster, but lately I was surprised with the number of dofuses on sale. And the prices are relatively low. If this tendency continues there is no need for us whatsoever to hunt anything. We just need to return to money making and convert our time and abilities in shiny coins. Not that hard…

I need to talk things over with the enu and cra, they are the “financial geniuses” of the team, and what’s more important cra keeps all the company’s gold.

Written by Phekla

May 10, 2010 at 3:50 PM

Posted in Thoughts

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