Marginal notes

Archive for April 28th, 2010

Greedy Angel

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Old lady couldn’t bear the separation from other members of the team. So she left Brakmarian ranks.
At first she wanted to become a neutral again. But when she got to know that she would have to pay a fee of 128’000 kamas to do so she decided to take a free option and join Bontarian militia. So, now she has angelic wings that she hides and that doesn’t go right with her greedy personality…
The funniest thing she explained that she was thinking about the sadida’s wallet when she took that decision. Indeed, enu had no money to pay the registration fees, and she was complaining so loud about the robbers at Amakna Court that sadida gave her money just to stop that yelling.
It’s quite interesting that the Court administration doesn’t let to use free alignment change before you show them the money to pay the fee for the changing to neutral. I wonder why?

Written by Phekla

April 28, 2010 at 11:47 AM

Posted in Misc

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