Marginal notes

Strange Breeders

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The other day panda and xelor were mating their mounts in the public paddocks. A bit unusual breeding practice, but they are new and, how do I say it… a bit eccentric.
Everything was going well until someone noticed what they were doing. Then this someone placed his dragoturkey near the public paddock entrance and started to wait for panda and xelor to let their birds out of shed. This strange breeder kept his bird near the entrance all the time my friends were there. I guess, he was very disappointed when he realised that all mating was already done. The same thing happened a couple of times more, so both panda and xelor now mate mounts in the private paddock.
Anyway, I’m amused how artful can be people when it comes to obtaining something that was not intended for them.

Written by Phekla

April 17, 2010 at 2:42 PM

Posted in Breeding, Misc

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