Marginal notes

Bears in Sellrooms

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Sadida is responsible for selling dragoturkeys and she often complains about the bears flooded the market. I checked the pet sellrooms, merchants, and even books in the library, but I didn’t find anything about these bears. I was so confused. I also asked everyone I know but with no luck. I didn’t want to ask sadi as she can be very mean when someone demonstrates ignorance. But in this case I had no choice…
Sadida was unusually nice and explained what she meant. Sellers who drive market down are called bears. No one knows where the name came from, but some people suppose that initially it was “boar” as boar pushes you back.
Now I understand why she complains. Indeed, there are many sellers who undercut each other, and some of them even place their goods 10-15% (sometimes up to 40%) under market. And of course it results in prices going lower and lower. I wonder if these “bears” think of anything except immediate profit? Don’t they see they ruin the business for everyone?

Written by Phekla

April 17, 2010 at 3:14 PM

Posted in Breeding, Thoughts

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