Marginal notes

A Bit of Evil

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Today old lady sacrificed her neutrality for the sake of the whole team and became Brakmarian.
Why she? Because she is the only one who is not involved in breeding and trading, thus she is the only one who doesn’t need fast and easy access to Bonta. However, I already foresee the problems in the future. Especially when Bonta is rebuilt, which should happen soon.
Well, the whole thing with the territories that are unaccessible for neutrals makes me mad. Why should the gate guards be killed for neutrals to enter the Firefox dungeon? It makes sense for the aligned people, but neutrals? Neutrals aren’t murderers, they are honest traders and crafters. Why don’t allow them free access to all the territories? Markets will only benefit from it.
I bet enu won’t stay Brakmarian for long. Inconveniences way outweigh all the benefits, all the more old lady can’t open Feudala gates on her own, and we just can’t help her…

Written by Phekla

April 13, 2010 at 1:27 AM

Posted in Dofus Hunts, Misc

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