Marginal notes

Archive for April 2010

Greedy Angel

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Old lady couldn’t bear the separation from other members of the team. So she left Brakmarian ranks.
At first she wanted to become a neutral again. But when she got to know that she would have to pay a fee of 128’000 kamas to do so she decided to take a free option and join Bontarian militia. So, now she has angelic wings that she hides and that doesn’t go right with her greedy personality…
The funniest thing she explained that she was thinking about the sadida’s wallet when she took that decision. Indeed, enu had no money to pay the registration fees, and she was complaining so loud about the robbers at Amakna Court that sadida gave her money just to stop that yelling.
It’s quite interesting that the Court administration doesn’t let to use free alignment change before you show them the money to pay the fee for the changing to neutral. I wonder why?

Written by Phekla

April 28, 2010 at 11:47 AM

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Bears in Sellrooms

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Sadida is responsible for selling dragoturkeys and she often complains about the bears flooded the market. I checked the pet sellrooms, merchants, and even books in the library, but I didn’t find anything about these bears. I was so confused. I also asked everyone I know but with no luck. I didn’t want to ask sadi as she can be very mean when someone demonstrates ignorance. But in this case I had no choice…
Sadida was unusually nice and explained what she meant. Sellers who drive market down are called bears. No one knows where the name came from, but some people suppose that initially it was “boar” as boar pushes you back.
Now I understand why she complains. Indeed, there are many sellers who undercut each other, and some of them even place their goods 10-15% (sometimes up to 40%) under market. And of course it results in prices going lower and lower. I wonder if these “bears” think of anything except immediate profit? Don’t they see they ruin the business for everyone?

Written by Phekla

April 17, 2010 at 3:14 PM

Posted in Breeding, Thoughts

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Strange Breeders

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The other day panda and xelor were mating their mounts in the public paddocks. A bit unusual breeding practice, but they are new and, how do I say it… a bit eccentric.
Everything was going well until someone noticed what they were doing. Then this someone placed his dragoturkey near the public paddock entrance and started to wait for panda and xelor to let their birds out of shed. This strange breeder kept his bird near the entrance all the time my friends were there. I guess, he was very disappointed when he realised that all mating was already done. The same thing happened a couple of times more, so both panda and xelor now mate mounts in the private paddock.
Anyway, I’m amused how artful can be people when it comes to obtaining something that was not intended for them.

Written by Phekla

April 17, 2010 at 2:42 PM

Posted in Breeding, Misc

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A Bit of Evil

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Today old lady sacrificed her neutrality for the sake of the whole team and became Brakmarian.
Why she? Because she is the only one who is not involved in breeding and trading, thus she is the only one who doesn’t need fast and easy access to Bonta. However, I already foresee the problems in the future. Especially when Bonta is rebuilt, which should happen soon.
Well, the whole thing with the territories that are unaccessible for neutrals makes me mad. Why should the gate guards be killed for neutrals to enter the Firefox dungeon? It makes sense for the aligned people, but neutrals? Neutrals aren’t murderers, they are honest traders and crafters. Why don’t allow them free access to all the territories? Markets will only benefit from it.
I bet enu won’t stay Brakmarian for long. Inconveniences way outweigh all the benefits, all the more old lady can’t open Feudala gates on her own, and we just can’t help her…

Written by Phekla

April 13, 2010 at 1:27 AM

Posted in Dofus Hunts, Misc

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Yearly Breeding Report

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Emerald and Crimson DT

Well, it’s not exactly 1 year since we started to breed, but it’s about one year since we started to do it more or less seriously. ALthough, unlike many other breeders our team is not impelled by commercial potential, but we are working on obtaining chameleon mounts of all existing breeds. Of course, these chameleons should be purebred. I think it’s time to write down some results.

At the moment we have:

  • 56 breeds out of 65 possible;
    • for 47 of them ancestor trees are purified.
  • chameleon mounts of 18 breeds;
    • for 1 of them ancestor tree is fully purified,
    • for 2 breeds ancestor trees are almost fully purified (only 1 ancestor of the third generation has belongs to another breed)

I guess, we will need 2-3 years more to achieve our final goal.

Written by Phekla

April 8, 2010 at 3:38 PM

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Souls Hunting

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After all the souls were counted it was decided we need to hunt all the monsters that are needed to all the team members to reach the bosses stage of the Otomai’s quest. Ki and his friend osa joined us in this task and now we need only 150 souls to achieve the goal.
However, we are slow, even slower than usual, as Ki, cra, and I are occupied with the new project. Guild weekly dungeon runs can’t be postponed, too.
Still this hunt for the last monsters souls is very beneficial in terms of acquiring archmonsters souls. The other day just in a couple of hours enu and eni spotted and captured 3 archmonsters, and one of them was pretty rare. I hope luck won’t leave us and we’ll get some more archmonsters before we are done with the regular monsters.

Written by Phekla

April 4, 2010 at 4:36 PM

Posted in Dofus Hunts

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