Marginal notes

Archive for March 27th, 2010

Monsters Census

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Gargantuan Perfect Soul Stone

Cra is possessed with the idea that everything should be organised, and preferably written down. And today this passion of hers reached its culmination. She decided that the souls we had collected need to be sorted and each monster should be counted and entered in a souls register.
I was smart enough to understand the work would be tedious and unpleasant, so I quickly unloaded my souls and reported myself sick. Eni and sram followed my example and occupied themselves with something “absolutely, totally urgent”. Enu and sadi weren’t as nimble as others, so they were assigned to the task. To tell the truth, I think old lady really enjoyed it. She took the largest batch of souls – with regular monsters – and made a list of them smoothly (if processing more than 2000 souls can ever be done smoothly).
But let’s return to our improvised census.
The data include only souls that are useful for the Otomai’s quest. All “extra” souls were discarded without counting and will be either sold or opened.

In total:
regular monsters – 2666
bosses – 199
archmonsters – 353

Still needed:
regular monsters – 190
bosses – 168
archmonsters – no one was brave enough to count, so no data are available

Extra” souls:
regular monsters – near 1000
bosses – near 90
archmonsters – 0

Looks like a lot of work is still ahead…

Written by Phekla

March 27, 2010 at 10:53 PM

Posted in Misc

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