Marginal notes

Boring Life?

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People often tell me that my life is “boring”. And sometimes I think whether it’s true.
Our daily routine may seem boring, indeed. Morning starts with feeding pets, then cra, sram, and eni check birds, enu goes fishing, and I chop trees or attend guild meetings. After the birds are served we take a break for a breakfast that often turns into lunch. In the second half of the day we usually do some hunts or crafting and maging. And in the late evening—early night we pay visits to various dungeon bosses, unless something urgent comes. Repetitive and monotonous, this daily routine helps us to stay organised and go through any changes Gods send on our heads without suffering any significant losses.
One may say that day after day nothing happens and you may lose a taste of life. Well, maybe if nothing really happens, then this scenario may happen. But our life is far from this. Something new and interesting happens almost every day: new birds hatch, new tactics are invented, new plans are created, old plans are completed, new people are met… No, it’s far from still, boring life.

Written by Phekla

March 23, 2010 at 10:22 PM

Posted in Misc

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