Marginal notes

Archive for March 11th, 2010

Where Are My Keys?

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Planned for today minotot run never happened. I have no idea why but I got no keys for the maze.
I have a magical bunch of keys, and if I use one of the keys it should reappear in seven days. We were in Minototor maze one week ago. I checked my calendar, checked my notes, and I’m absolutely positive I was there seven full days ago…
On the other hand while we tried to figure out what went wrong with the keys old lady found an archmonster with funny name – Salamaa the Henpeck. And it was the second arch for today, cra had been lucky, too.
Now camping near the entrance, but I’m so tired I’d better go to bed, if I manage to fall asleep with sleeping enu. She is snoring again.

Written by Phekla

March 11, 2010 at 10:37 AM

Posted in Misc

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